I was just thinking to myself, I haven’t destroyed or had a backpack fail since elementary school.
I was just thinking to myself, I haven’t destroyed or had a backpack fail since elementary school.
Are you new here? Gawker’s bread and butter has always been snarking at earnestness.
Cucumber > Zucchini
Who are these people with thousands of dollars in disposable income that they’re willing to spend on attending someone else’s wedding?
Forget Bernie Bros
You say, on an article glorifying the investment of energy in the DSA vs DNC. 🤦♂️
Sure my point isn’t that he can’t recover. It’s that his recent high profile distancing from Trump and the lost republicans is our political calculation—not a deeply held moral position on Trump’s leadership.
Take a look at Flake’s early poll numbers for ‘18. Don’t be fooled by this “aw shucks, we supported a monster but what can we do” narrative Flake is trying to sell.
If he gets thrown out on his ass in ‘18, which is what it’s shaping up like, higher office in 2020 will be but a dream.
Flake is FUCKED in ‘18, as of right now. His recent spineliness is literally nothing more than a calculated attempt to shore up his early poll numbers.
Rufus’ version is pretty solid.
None of that “we tried” bullshit matters in 2018 or 2020. We need to get that media attention so that our ideas and proposals aren’t brand new come next election cycle. We need to have voters going to the polls having heard dems making sensible arguments for 2-3 years not just 16 months.
In my democratic party survey that I’m mailing out today, (written yesterday) I wrote maybe they could finally put the party’s weight behind marijuana legalization/decriminalization.
I would counter that the more important moral is that there are two sides to every story, and the one Jalopnik has presented here is fully primed and ready for outrage. That doesn’t make it true and accurate.
Oh please, more deflection. Just answer the damn question dude!
You seem to think you’re disagreeing with me but you’re supporting my argument.
That’s fantastical logic.
One thing I’ve learned about the internet and especially the Jalopnik crowd, is that we’re primed for outrage.