
Neither Garamond nor Times New Roman are “perfectly fine choices” for email.

Times New Roman, imo, looks terrible on mobile and tablet.

My sense of joy could just be paralyzed by the AHCA horseshit coursing through congress but I’m having a hard time mustering even a wry smile about this story.

You blame Tesla for this guy ignoring 7 separate warnings?

In overall handsomeness, he’s giving Jon Hamm a serious run for his money.

Having never had boobs myself, my inclination is to say it’s maybe more like having boobs with nipples vs boobs without nipples. Still not a great analogy, but dicks, like boobs, come in different sizes too so it’s not just a matter of different sizes.

I’m not familiar with his stardom so I checked his YouTube and it seems his main talent is using Autotune.

I was so self-conscious as a kid in the 90s but I love my [uncircumcised] dick so much as an adult.

And in the meantime folks are literally dying for lack of health coverage. Not to mention the longer term benefits of appropriate preventive care in the short term.

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Things like marriage equality, protecting the environment, and ensuring people don’t die for lack of healthcare are problems that face all of us.

I just find it hilarious how bumbling Sessions is. He’s no fucking McConnell that’s for sure.

That’s not hair, that’s literally a rat’s nest.

Who peed in your Corn Flakes this morning?

20 year olds are adults. 13 year olds are children.

At 3:30 in the video, she’s got him. She asks if he’s aware of any Trump campaign contacts with Russians and he says “I don’t recall that” and awkwardly shifts in his seat, then a beat later interjects “at this moment”.

That’s not fair or reasonable.

That’s like saying soft power and hard power are the same thing. They’re not.

Physical interactive entertainment is obviously the point of making it, and that isn’t what I’m criticizing. I’m criticizing the consumption of videos that lack even the barest pretense of utility.

I hate the focus on consuming the slime as entertainment vs focusing on making the slime.