
Having a reputation as a Republican Jimmy Carter (notwithstanding the fact that Carter was actually a good president, he seems widely viewed as a failure) is a far bigger blow to Trump than losing part of his wealth. He’d claim to be a victim of the government and would become a conservative folk hero.

Trump’s entire shtick is building monuments to himself. There is literally no way he won’t build an opulent ode to himself in the form of a Presidential Library.

Apparently the NJ property is really beautiful (despite the knee jerk “blech” response I have simply because it’s associated with Trump).

Hillary Clinton was a fantastic candidate, her loss was a death by a thousand cuts. Don’t underestimate the power of a “narrative” once the media grabs hold of one. Trump’s administration is marked by incompetence and chaos and that is becoming his brand.

I just read yesterday in a piece about his “Summer White House” (gag) in Bedminster, NJ, that the Trump Org has approvals to put in a cemetery on the property, and that apparently Trump has expressed a desire to be buried there.

Realistically Trump is the only one that could fire Comey. If it had been Obama it would have looked like retribution for not backing the democratic horse, and if it had been Clinton, same.

Who cares?

Foxtrot Alpha is about whatever its owners say it is.

Did I say he was? He’s an official surrogate for the Democratic Party right now so exactly what, the fuck, is your point?


Call it what you want—I’m saying it wouldn’t be my first choice for hosting an infrastructure-heavy music festival.

We have to get Bernie to sit down and shut up. His is not the kind of resistance we need now, we need clear-eyed strategists that spend their time actually advancing democratic electoral goals rather than preaching to the choir about how the rich are too rich.

I think it would help to have a candidate or prominent party member speaking candidly and honestly about the importance (and likelihood) of this happening.

Also, if these idiot attendees have $1000 to spend on a festival, they probably have $1500 or $2000. When you have no idea what you’re doing putting together a festival, err on the side of charging more so you actually have revenue with which to pull off the event.

And literally, has she ever had to actually hire even a single recruiter? Fucking Anna Wintour heard she was about to graduate and offered her a job but we’re supposed to believe Ivanka Fucking Trump has actually ever hired a recruiter to find a job?

You can see from the very beginning speed is the only thing the guy is concerned with.

I suppose we’ll see what happens. You’ve clearly reached your own conclusions with a very limited set a facts so I’m not sure there’s anything else to discuss.

Bernie couldn’t stop throwing her under the bus even after she won the nomination. Even today he doesn’t seem to act like a team player within the Democratic Party, he seems more intent on using the Democratic Party to push his own views and appease his supporters.

That doesn’t mean they don’t also have a legitimate claim, but thanks for the info.

What I just gave you is the legal answer. No, you cannot defraud your business partners. Withholding material information that would cause those business partners to negotiate a larger buyout is literally fraud.