She’s projecting the chip on her own shoulder onto everyone else involved in the story. It’s rather revealing indeed.
She’s projecting the chip on her own shoulder onto everyone else involved in the story. It’s rather revealing indeed.
My understanding of 1070 in AZ is that it allowed police officers to ask about immigration status based on the appearance of the person being stopped. It basically codified racial profiling into law, that’s why it was problematic. It’s not necessarily about jurisdiction.
For fuck’s sake, no, that’s not remotely what I’m suggesting.
I’m not “getting at” anything nor is my question based on the identical set of facts present in this story.
Maybe these are people who have never had their agency questioned? I mean, I grew up gay in a small town in a semi-religious family so I am pretty sensitive to the idea that adults always know best and kids don’t know shit until they’ve reached their magical 6,570th day on this planet.
Ok cool. You’re hysterical and incapable of having a grown up conversation. Got it.
That’s not really helpful or even very germane to my question.
For fuck’s sake. Apparently people just read whatever they want to into internet comments these days and you and several others seem to have chosen to see my comment as a defense of minor/adult sexual relationships which it’s not.
I’m not a cop or a prosecutor. I’ll let them “focus on the perp’s behavior”.
Thanks for stating the patently obvious and not actually contributing anything to the discussion.
Well, to be fair boys are frequently tried and imprisoned as adults and a growing body of research shows this is probably not the right way to handle it as a society.
I can see how you were confused, since my comment was literally posted on this story, but if you read what I wrote I wasn’t asking for moral posturing in relation to this story, I’m posing a broader question.
DING DING DING! You seem to be the only one who actually comprehended my comment.
You’re completely missing the point. I’m not here to have an in-depth conversation about teenage brain development.
Right, which is why I asked a broader hypothetical about consent, judgement, and agency of teenagers.
Nowhere did I say or even imply that she consented or is even able to consent.
Yes this is an obvious point that I should have disclaimed in my original comment. I don’t think he is a decent guy nor am I defending him or even really commenting on the specifics of this story. I’m asking a broader question about the complicated intersection of consent, judgment, and agency. Most people replying…
You’re saying a lot of obvious shit.
This is a solid take.