
Because they literally look like the guy who’s been saying “I can kick your ass so hard with both hands behind my back!” for 7 years, and then basically said “I just don’t feel like it” when actually given the chance and they know they look like complete losers as a result.

I think to say that outcome is “likely” is perhaps overstating things. The system is huge and yes some doctors and specialists would opt into some other system, but there really isn’t any evidence to support the assertion that most, or even a significant quantity, of medical professionals would do this.

Prison rape is so funny!

Prison rape is so funny!

I will buy any brand but Chobani based strictly on Hamilton’s leadership. This is a movement we can all get behind.

Hercules is basically all C-130 aircraft. Compass Call refers to a special configuration.

Interestingly, enough people cared to pass the regulations in the first place.

I’m not sure I understand the accusation. Because I didn’t know that the creator of a show was a man, I can’t also be a fan of the show?

Huh. Well how about that. I guess I’m no longer surprised that a man (even the creator of a hit show that showcases other social issues) would invite a convicted abuser on the show.

Not to mention the fact that the show has always been about shining a light on social issues. For them to have Chris Brown on the show, and not in a role that somehow addresses violence against women, is completely tone deaf and inconsistent with their past episodes.

You’re making the mistake of assuming Blackish appeals or is even meant to appeal primarily to the same young black culture that accepts Chris Brown.

Are we arguing strictly in gut feeling anecdotes or do you have some sort of data that supports your argument that Chris Brown is some kind of mainstream star? He’s certainly popular with the R&B world, but R&B isn’t the singular genre that makes up “popular culture”.

It doesn’t matter. If you believe it’s capricious and arbitrary, then you should certainly have no problem convincing a majority to support your position.

You know that “the government” is made up of “the people”, right?

Is this a Hollywood Bubble problem? Like, as great as the show is, is Barris a little out of touch with how the general public feels about Brown? She can’t possibly have genuinely thought this was a good idea?

$60 for a quarter? That doesn’t sound marked up anywhere near high enough for Coachella.

And isn’t “conservativism” literally an ideology based on maintaining the established order rather than “progressing” to a more liberal society?

He seems to only have conceded the child sex ring in the pizza parlor part, not the idea that Hillary was involved in a child sex ring.

Trump can use his bully pulpit but he can’t restore insurance for voters who lose it as a result of the vote., wouldn’t you say?