
Can you read? Read the portion of his comment I quoted—nobody forced boomers to overextend themselves and it certainly didn’t just happen. “the” overextension? How about their overextension.

And distinct lack of mandate, which he has claimed to have. He will always have some support and some approval, but he never had any claim to any kind of mandate.

Also frustrating how Bernie kneecapped his opponent in the general by continuing his primary campaign well past viability.

It would only work if it was Obama himself, and Biden himself, with maybe one incorrigible Secret Service agent for good measure.

I’m not sure whether to worry for your daughter or wonder if you actually have one.

Your paternalism is revolting. Presumably you’d be paying for it as a gift, right?

What an awful thought. And to think how many investors, contractors, architects, employees, etc. also lost substantial sums [because of Donald Trump’s “business management skills”] during that period.

Must be nice to worry about retirement. I’m going to keep trying to pay my health insurance on time.

due to the overextension on the housing purchases and their nest eggs getting thrashed.

The “sees fit” part is the purview of the supreme court. At most, the executive branch can prioritize enforcement resources, they do not have carte blanche to do whatever they want.

It helped a lot that Bernie Sanders continued his primary campaign well past viability. We don’t know how much that damaged her in the general, but it sure as hell didn’t help propel the democratic party to victory.

Perhaps this is just a fun jaunty anecdote but I’m baffled by your desire to dictate your adult daughter’s type and name of pet.

Foxtrot Alpha has always been a part of Jalopnik you stupid dildo.

Helvetica is overrated.

If we’re shouting out our favorite fonts, long live Bodoni!

Yep. And “exposure” for a retail product (like the stuff given in Award Show swag bags) may actually benefit the company because sales channels like the internet and retail allow simultaneous consumption of the product.

Well, if we’re breaking out the big insults, we should probably fact check ourselves. Foxtrot Alpha has not “always been a part of Jalopnik”.

I would also like to point out that this is actual physical labor that they are asking to be given, for free.

My face is burning with embarrassment just watching those clips. I would have literally died of embarrassment if I was sitting in that audience in a suit.

I’ll sacrifice Tehran, Los Angeles, or Toronto to stave off right-wing populism that threatens to restrict or destroy the civil rights of vast portions of the world’s population.