
There’s nothing valid about it. You refuse to acknowledge the fact that men hold more power than women in our society and that it simply isn’t a coincidence that abuse continues to happen.

I’m comfortable with my assumption.

I remain comfortable in my assumption.

I’m still totally comfortable with my assumption.

Mostly “you are 22 years old”, I think.

I don’t know either driver but I feel comfortable assuming the celebrity in the bright blue lifted SUV was probably at fault.

Putin already knows. When Trump went after the Khans, Russia literally put it’s hacking/disinformation campaign on hold because they thought Trump would almost certainly be forced withdraw from the race for the GOP nomination.

We live in a patriarchy where men control most of the levers of power. What a shock that child abuse not only continues, but continues to be covered up, mostly by men.

The problem, in my view, is that the democrats in Charlotte should have known that anything short of a full repeal of the local ordinance would allow republicans to “fail” to repeal HB2.

Can you offer even a single credible study showing men and women abusing at the same rate?

Cheaper isn’t necessarily the better value, nor is it synonymous with “better”.

No no no the 6 month cooling off period wasn’t a “keep hb2 another 6 months” thing, it was a “both sides do a full repeal and then nobody does anything new for 6 months” thing.

+1 Seinfeld ref

I honestly think there is a wing of the GOP—and it may even include Trump himself—who honestly believe the “post-racial” stuff, and who believe that groups like women and workers as voting blocs transcend more traditional classifications and divisions like race and political party.

Nope, single family—I own all four walls. Not even a bathroom window on the sides, and it’s not uncommon at all in my city.

You typed her name into google, and then reposted her personal information in a thread hostile to her with the specific intent that people might use that information to bother or harass her.

You are spectacularly dumb.

I’m certain there’s more to the story than “poor disabled god-fearing man is being persecuted for his love of cars” but that angle sure gets the outrage generator all fueled up and ready to run around here.

It sounds like it’s bordering on commercial use, but the guy claims he doesn’t take any money from the cars driving in and out of the property constantly, and it sounds like the plaintiffs are sort of doddering fools who failed to adequately document the vehicle traffic to substantiate their complaint.

For whatever it’s worth, my house doesn’t have any windows on the sides (and it’s not a new mcmansion type house either).