
I’d be interested to read the specific text of that part of the charter, because I suspect the language is more nuanced than “anyone willing to run under the party”.

Indeed we should be working toward those goals. But often, especially in the case of medications, we are balancing treating symptoms or ailments against the negative risks and side effects of the medications. There’s no guarantee that the benefits will ever fully outweigh the risks, but for many symptoms, medical

Did you even read the article or any of the studies being thrown around? Most of them are predicated on the idea of 2nd hand smoke ingestion, they aren’t specifically studying or commenting on child ingestion of THC.


We take risks with children’s health every fucking day. The air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat, the streets we walk on, the medications we take—on what, exactly, do you base your belief that marijuana is worse than all of those things?

Right? What’s the percentage overall of low birth weight? 4% doesn’t seem like a crazy number.

There are numerous ways to ingest marijuana that don’t involve combustion. Your ignorance of the subject and conflation of different issues largely invalidates your opinion.

That’s the problem with so many of these studies. They seldom do any useful testing like comparing medical marijuana to psych meds like you mention, or even controlling for the quality of the weed in the study. It seems like most of them are totally hands off and simply ask participants if they use marijuana, they

Do you call having a cup of coffee “substance abuse” too?

Someone posted something similar upthread, apparently in Jamaica?

Did she offer peer-reviewed scientific studies showing that it’s “harmful” to a fetus?

We get it, you’re a prohibitionist. Start a blog, don’t spam other blogs with your bullshit.

The DNC doesn’t have a duty to be impartial and they certainly don’t have a duty to prioritize a candidate who joined the party about 5 minutes before announcing his bid for the white house over a candidate who has worked to build the party for the last 30 years.

I simply disagree. Bernie’s chosen campaign message wasn’t developed in a vacuum and it actively advanced the republican agenda and talking points without doing a damn thing to help Hillary Clinton get elected.

“this whole thing” what—my abject horror that Trump was elected? My ability to spread blame farther than Bill and Hillary Clinton?

Not to pat myself on the back, but I at no point underestimated republican willingness to cheat, which is precisely what made it so easy for me to support a calculating and politically-savvy Clinton as a candidate. It’s also one of the reasons I’m doubtful that Bernie would have been an effective executive.

He failed utterly to advance an agenda. Like I said, he and his appointees adequately managed the government, but made few if any lasting impacts to the way government prioritizes progressivism.

I don’t think it’s at all clear that she or the DNC “blew it”. Neither of them could have foreseen Comey, Assange, or Russia’s meddling nor were they in a position to empathize much with rural white voters who felt alienated by the last 8 years with a black president and so much media attention on Black Lives Matter.

The rust belt doesn’t give a shit about student loan refinancing. He did manage to pull her to the left, but I don’t accept the blanket argument that it was a good thing. This election wasn’t necessarily about left vs. right.

Oh for fuck’s sake—learn to read! I didn’t say anything about pearl necklaces nor was it a fucking pun, you asshole.