That's what I thought.
That's what I thought.
When you're here, you're "one of the guys"
Just because the picture accompanying the wikipedia article is a red car doesn't mean red is the 'standard' Rx-7 color ;)
Because Codemasters doesn't pay him to drive iRacing.
Missed that one :(
3th: Heated black leather seats? Me thinks a single ray of sunshine will do that for you.
I've lived in Coimbatore, India for a few months, I would call this monday morning ;)
true, I get most of my length from my torso, and my relatively long neck/head combo doesn't help either.
I'm 6'3" as well, and I've driven the s2000 a few times and every time my eyes were at the same level as the top of the windscreen, taking away most of my vision if I sat normally.
It amazes me that for such a small country with such regulated and boring traffic we somehow manage to win the who-crashes-a-newly-launched-car-first contest quite often.
I have to say: CP, but then again: I'm European, so I can't really imagine this as a rare car.