
That's what I thought.

When you're here, you're "one of the guys"

Just because the picture accompanying the wikipedia article is a red car doesn't mean red is the 'standard' Rx-7 color ;)

Rx-7 Bathurst R

A Door

A Vent


Because Codemasters doesn't pay him to drive iRacing.

Missed that one :(

This makes me and my car sad. However, this may be the end of the lovely 13B it is not the end of the amazing Wankel. Mazda wil resurrect it someday, probably only in an conceptcar like the Furai though.

3th: Heated black leather seats? Me thinks a single ray of sunshine will do that for you.

I've lived in Coimbatore, India for a few months, I would call this monday morning ;)

true, I get most of my length from my torso, and my relatively long neck/head combo doesn't help either.

I'm 6'3" as well, and I've driven the s2000 a few times and every time my eyes were at the same level as the top of the windscreen, taking away most of my vision if I sat normally.

It amazes me that for such a small country with such regulated and boring traffic we somehow manage to win the who-crashes-a-newly-launched-car-first contest quite often.

I have to say: CP, but then again: I'm European, so I can't really imagine this as a rare car.