
Which speaks to poor resource allocation that they would bother to federalize this at all. They can’t afford to be lied to by Jalopnik types who insist that this time, for sure, they would definitely buy a diesel.

Errr, right. That’s what I’m saying. I just question whether the delta or the discrepancy or whatever you want to call it is necessarily a consequence of the heavier battery pack, and not merely the fault of generally subpar GM hybrid fuel efficiency

Though that discrepancy likely has more to do with Chevy hybrids being generally inefficient. Hence their abandoning them in favor of EVs

In retrospect, they really should have just led with the 4C* and built up prestige and brand recognition to set the groundwork for the mass market crossover. Leading with a (generic - fight me!) sport sedan and sort of just insisting on its premium-ness was all kinds of crazypants.

Very true. But given that new car sales in aggregate are also in decline, it’s all the more to his point that people aren’t buying new electric cars.

Well, it’s not as if families with kids don’t also ride in Ubers, so per  the logic of your argument that’s still worse.

I worry more about the passengers than the driver.

At least rental use shows up in the records. I’d be much more concerned about prior Uber / Lyft use, which is next to impossible to discern. Makes shopping for a used Prius a highly fraught experience.

Yes, Tesla is fun to mock but they really did achieve something significant.

And he’s not factually wrong. EVs make up 2.2% of the global fleet. Total duds like their own Clarity electric go some way to explaining that pathetic number, of course.

It’s incredibly ironic that the head of a company making an electric car that has captured the hearts of the entire Jalopnik staff thinks nobody wants electric cars.

*store their boogers for later

Lexus has some severely underwhelming door pulls. They go through all the trouble of the ornate LC interior and then they drop the same plastic rectangle they put in the 90s Avalon. 

Well, I’m not saying we won’t find ways to fuck that up, too.

Beautiful scenery.

True! I was just making the point that the EQC is itself among those prior EVs that “had been based on ICE vehicles.”

Athough, the EQC is itself based on the GLC.

This is going to be an obnoxious obstacle to have to maneuver around in the Trader Joe’s parking lot. That said, you're all crazy; this thing looks awesome 

Yes, how dare Musky invest *checks notes* ...long lines during peak seasons? 

*sees post title; reads comments section*