
Because that’s the thin vertical line between Cadillac and looking like any ho-hum GM.

I like it! It’s good and ordinary in the way the Chevy Bolt is, but desirable in the way a Volkswagen is. Pretty nice place to be for VW.

O/T, but all Land Rovers do that now and it makes them look so incompetent as a design studio. Look at that slab!

I was thinking:

They’re not “punishing” the individual car; they’re trying to draw attention to the “propaganda” (as they put it) of the premise of the car show. They’re not wrong.

I take your point, but I’m not sure the extra money necessarily goes toward off-road hardware, particularly in the case of the Mercedes. They don’t necessarily share a singular intended purpose, in other words.

That’s a bit of a hostile framing. It “killed” the rotary insofar as Mazda was the only one keeping it alive and then they stopped making it.

Ultimately, I agree with their assessment. But I think it’s worth noting that the most vocal argument against hybrids is coming from two companies that were uniquely unsuccessful making hybrids. It’s an important piece of context, probably.


Well, China explicitly demands it. Hence, the unthinkable eg:

I don’t think status has much to do with it when even the most basic kei car usually has (an often gibberish) Romanized name. It’s most likely just an aesthetic choice. Like when a Japanese pop song deploys an English phrase seemingly at random - it just sounds cool.

It looks like a Hot Wheels.

Yeah, I seem to remember a piece to camera of one of the other moms chiding the husbands for “getting an erection” or something at Renata’s party as Bonnie was dancing.

Well, your point was that Toyota itself was a holdout, and this is no longer true. I take your point re: the RAV4, but the spokesperson basically gave a “no comment.”

And they’re acting like they know in advance when that will be. Crazy.

They’re outsourcing their electric truck to Rivian, too. Piss poor tbh.

“C’s” is killing me.

How does it feel to not be driven by technology, but instead to drive it?

Oddly, the 500C looks wrong with any other color top.