
It looks like a small, yellow fish

I mean, it’s probably meant to be more twee than “cool,” in their defense. But the name is indefensible, so.

It’s a bit of a gimmick unless you can do the Mercedes thing of rolling down all the windows truly.

I think that’s technically true, but the Fit is called the Jazz in the European market, and there was a car prior to the first generation Fit/Jazz that was also called the Jazz - the Honda City in most other markets.

Is the steering wheel fabric loose or just grimy? Either way, that’s a bit nasty for a press car.

I’m sort of neutral on modern Land Rover design but their rising belt lines force them to stick on some horribly blocky (sometimes body color, often silver) plastic diffusers on the back. It’s a problem they’ve never really bothered to resolve.

It’s an MPV.

Two scooters? Amateurs.

I mean, it’s not as if the propensity for the gas tank to get hit is lower on a standard vehicle. I would imagine a ground level impact is much more likely than a roof level one.

It looks like someone sat on it. Also the lack of body color on the rear hatch gives it a kind of weird pickup vibe.

I’m sorry, but this is very funny.

For Nissan, they’re probably banking on the tax credit for now. A risky move, given the political environment, but probably fine for the short term.

It is the National Transportation Safety Board and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that are investigating the crash, though, which is the main story.

That cloth and wood combo is making me giddy.

Totally geographically specific, but where I am to not get the Prius is the willful choice. They tend to blend in after a while, surprisingly.

What do you keep in there that you think the Chinese government would be interested in?

It did; it’s just that we never got it.

But then they’ll no longer get to make this dubious claim:

This seems more like the perfect crossover for those people who want a crossover but can’t bring themselves to admit it. I mean, does this really do anything that the XC60 can’t do just as well or better?