
I think this was an episode of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman

Superman will always be the zenith of the comic book superhero. Unfortunately, he’s become a chore to write well for in quite a long time. De-powering intrigued me but it just doesn’t hold up. In a way, Grant Morrison’s All Star Superman is a perfect outlet for the Man of Steel. Have his stories and character outside

Dogmeat is adorable.

You fool, anyone can do this after a lifetime of training. Not impressed.

If you did just a tiny bit of research you’d realize Louisiana and New Orleans had a huge Italian/Irish mafia/mob/gang presence.

Khol Drogo fantasy.

Turning the other cheek whenever his teammates murdered, stole, cheated, sexually assaulted?

Basically a click bait, throwaway filler article. Glad we're in agreement.

You know nothing, Rob Harvilla.

Trying too hard + shitty troll attempt.

Those lumps are ice cubes.

Kids, kids. You both are just awful.

Commenters are still funny but Deadspin/Gawker as a whole have devolved into click bait/egotistic blogger realm.

Shocked she's in her 50s!

You know the meat between Baldwin and Walters would be more fun.

And isn’t Burneko still copy/pasting recipes from a Google search while mad-libbing “fuck” into every sentence?

Irony. Just tell those foreigners to deal with it.

Click bait article. We all fell for it and now feed the machine of spiraling gawker quality.


You're running in circles without a clear path.