
Chris Christie roots for the dealer in blackjack.

Fair to who? Parents who love their children do not allow them to go to Notre Dame.

And a vocal Trumpite. That fucking guy.

He also loves the Red Wings and Man U and John Cena.

Especially with everything both sisters (Venus, moreso) did to bring equal prizes to the sport. Fuck this guy.

No. She is a victim of sexual harassment. When someone is a victim of any other crime, say, a purse snatching or a hit and run we don’t immediately start criticizing the victim. We don’t question why someone would have parked on such a busy street (so many other places to park!), or mention that hit and runs have

The guy is obviously a worthless asshole. But....

Dude, focus. Whether she is competent is completely irrelevent to what a shitbag this dude is. Thank god she outed this fuckface. Needs to happen with much more regularity until the motherfuckers can get a hint. If you know anybody who acts like this guy please punch them.