
The mortgage "tip" is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard and the original posts unwillingness to take any opposition to it is ridiculous.

So basically nonracial jokes about people of color are forbidden because.... What? Solidarity?

Your abuse of hashtags is genuinely more concerning.

Nope! I'm in excellent shape and have a lovely family.

My fantasy land has free wifi, an espresso bar, a charcoal BBQ and fully stocked kitchen, and lounge chairs for those I love most and a cozy bed for my cat.

I mean yeah,'s still pretty fucking random.

Fuck you. Dogs being walked on leashes will be more aggressive when approached by unleashed dogs because the leashed dog is at a distinct disadvantage, and they know it.


Prolifers care only about the fetus. After they are born they could care less. If they cared they would not be electing folks who want to cut off food stamps to the poor including children and want to deny health care to them. I do agree with you though.

When I see a man drinking bourbon, I think—did this dude steal my bourbon?

So you prefer to make an interest free loan to the Fed.Gov instead of keeping your money under your control?

What would you have me wear? Do you wear armor or carry a lance? Do you drive a covered wagon? I live in an apartment, wear glasses, drive a minivan. I also vote in my tribal elections, teach my son to dance, and find ways each day assert our tribal identity.

You're acting like dude was a legitimate threat to *anyone* besides maybe the fashion police. Are you that much of a pussy that you see him as in any way dangerous?

Look, I think we can agree that the cop shouldn't have reacted so violently to that woman. But, in his defense, it was obviously a heightened, tense situation. She should know better than to act in a way that any reasonable bystander would consider highly unnatural.

Worse by a million miles, but not nearly as bitchy. Cross Fit is defensive bitchiness fueled by the fact that the people who love it are using it to fulfill some kind of companionship void in their lives. Anti-vax is subversive looney-tunes bullshit spread by people who are afraid.

Now playing

Watchmen. Amazing trailer. Mediocre movie at best.

The AND.08 Mixtape tour rolls on.

For someone who claims to want discussion, you aren't very skilled in actually eliciting it or engaging in it. You are, however, certainly conversant in moving the goal posts. Nothing in your original comment linked either the specific experiences of these students of color at Harvard, or students of color in elite

Your argument is that in a post in which students of color discuss the microaggressions they face as minorities in elite institutions, microaggressions which question their intellectual capabilities and make assumptions about their behavior and character, microaggressions which take a psychological toll and can impact

Maybe I wave the answer, but keep in mind that I assumed many things: