there was a few times where they mentioned the dead guy's full name as Jordan M-something M-something. also, one of his fellow actors had "JMM" marked on his sneakers.
there was a few times where they mentioned the dead guy's full name as Jordan M-something M-something. also, one of his fellow actors had "JMM" marked on his sneakers.
also: was the dead guy's name (his initials were J.M.M.) a dig at Chad Michael Murray?
Yoda flipping around will never stop bugging me. there were so many other Jedi around if you wanted to have a character have a showpiece fight, let them have a chance in the spotlight.
Wall-E had pathos, which TPM didn't have (was i supposed to feel anything for Qui-Gon-too-soon?), so your math checks out.
just cast him as a new character. i don't ever want to see another Gungan again.
i actually can't remember how i felt when TPM came out. obviously, i must have watched it first in theatres, but i don't remember my initial reactions.
it was already previously mentioned how Chewie likes Rey already after only knowing her for a short time, so i don't have a problem with Chewie maintaining his co-pilot status. probably helps him cope with Han not being there if he keeps some semblance of continuity.
Kylo was appealing to Vader, hoping for some kind of communication. obviously Luke must have told him about Force ghosts and the like.
d'you think he made a tomb for Vader's remains? and that when Kylo went looking for said remains, he became a tomb raider?
knowing them Ewoks, they probably though Luke was providing them with a celebratory barbeque when Vader was on the funeral pyre.
actually, that'd WOULD have been cool… but i feel Han did all he did in TFA because of Leia. she did ask him to "bring back our son".
there's another SW movie coming up in 2016, Rogue One, set before Ep. 4: A New Hope. and it's never too late to go watch the Original Trilogy again (though it's best to try to watch the original, un-Specialized versions. best hope is to get a copy of The De-Specialized Editions. think they've done up to Ep. 5: Empire…
whoa, you just blew my mind… two hemispheres and a hole in-between… whoa… snorts
Ivalice was so good! where's the FFXII HD version?
Rey and Fin's character arcs developed quite a bit already in this ep.
up until he actually did it, i get the feeling he was wavering a bit. but even after he done did it, he still hasn't had time to process his action. we'll get a better sense of where his head is at in Ep.8.
how long should "peace" last between conflicts? i'm reminded by that passage in Starship Troopers where Heinlein expounded on the differences between all-out "war", "police actions", "border skirmishes" and the like.
okey, which stormtrooper is Nigel Godrich?
he manned the guns in that TIE fighter pretty well during that escape.
where was Phasma during that attack? was she even there?