
But is it possible for actors to be regulars on two shows at the same time? It seems in this case he'll be the main character of a show with season that is probably the same length as a season of the 100, which would make filming more complicated than how Lexa's actress was a regular on FTWD (only six episodes I

I was happy Monty got to be reunited with his mom (even if dad's dead) but once he started telling them what he (and the others) did at Mount Weather I was worried the show was gonna have his mom reject him and see his actions as monstrous. I was wrong.

Ehh, I prefer to ignore that comment. But I was mostly talking about Felicity making comments like immediately after a death has happened (Moira, Amanda) whereas in that case she gave Laurel that pep talk some months after Sara's funeral.

Yup, I think the only exception was with Sara

I'd forgotten that Oliver didn't know about Felicity's goth phase, his reaction to that old photo was perfect

Hallucination Goth Felicity was a bit creepy but she had some nice lines and it seemed like Emily had some fun playing her

I liked the small memorial for Waller with Lyla and Oliver having a drink and Felicity recalling that time in season two when she tried to blow up the city

It's probably something that only happens if you're bisexual

Maybe. There was that small moment in the car that could be read as setting them up as a future thing.

Oh my god the opening scene with the narration about Savage gave me major flashbacks to the beginning of Time Force with the narration of Ransik.

I was disappointed he declined her offer to dance. Like dude, if Sara Lance/Caity Lotz asks you to dance you say yes

Just have Caity Lotz dancing and beating up creeps every episode and the show will be a hit

Oh my god that would have been amazing

It was a small comment when they were in the car and got the signal from Farm Station. Bellamy mentioned that's where Monty and Miller's boyfriend are from so it should be up to Monty and Miller to decide if they should check it out despite the signal coming from Sector 8 (?)


Also awesome to learn Miller has a boyfriend.

I was so happy to see Monroe and Harper even if it was just a small scene, it's amazing how the show has made me care about even the most minor characters

I think Bellamy's girlfriend is a new character, her name according to imdb is Gina, and the girl from the cliff was named Mel I believe

I'd be ok with that scenario too. Don't know if it'll happen but it would be cool if it did.

I'd be ok with Darhk being killed off in a few episodes and then her taking over as the Big Bad for the rest of the season