Congrats to Toyota as they needed another reason to bilk more money out of people without any true innovation...
Congrats to Toyota as they needed another reason to bilk more money out of people without any true innovation...
And at 3% depreciation for some ungodly reason most people will afford them in about 15 years...
What the hell......can’t we just agree that smaller electric cars are the answer. Why do you need 4 seats all the time?
Kind of like the online Jackson Barrett auctions where people who have unlimited disposable income pay BS prices for cars to keep them out of our hands ;)
XC90....change grill
My list of addons:
So why can’t there be a TRACK key...plug into the ODB2 port and unleash the beast for track use only....leave the track turn in the key
All of these companies need pricing specialists.
I discovered them at about 9 years old heading to SC.....they are awesome...if you don’t think so recite them at the top of your lungs as you drive past them with your parents as you drive by... your disrespect disturbs me(DV voice)
They could start the healing by offering better pricing and Hyundai type warranties. I can get a 20/200,000 powertrain on my toyota or honda locally...they refuse to put up the white flag...say we screwed up and rethink how to get people back into their cars. Maybe they should watch tommy boy when he talks about…
If you question why society is just completely and utterly doomed..just read articles like this.
Just for the fun I looked up the price..... 57K.
Something like this should be <10K. then it will sell like hotcakes. In addition if it were allowed to be under your current insurance without having to insure a third car. Will be a novelty and nothing else....
would you elaborate on how to connect with an importer
I wonder if they ever research the money they are losing due to people who walk in...want to negotiate a little just to feel like they’ve won a bit and the just say screw you I’m keeping my older ride. When does the GLUT of used dealership cars happen and then they will wake up and say UH OH.
VW passat should be on the highest depreciation list loses like 40% just off the lot....where is it? WHERE????
Cadillac has one hope...improve the interiors and pull a Hyundia/Kia and offer a true 10/100,000 warranty thus just seating themselves as the luxury car brand that will take care of you. In addition hire a Volvo interior designer because their interiors have always been less then stellar. I remember look at…
Ok I was 8 or so and lived in the same po’dunk town in New Jersey that DeLorean lived in. So I was able to see one just driving around town.....was fairly awesome....first time I looked at a car (I was too young for my Dad’s 240sx) and really looked at it and said hot damn.....
I was 17....I was on 78 heading towards 287 in new the highway planners great mind they had the entrance ramp get on in the fast lane..
Make it autonomous and put a “53" on it.. just saying...