
It wouldn’t in the least bit surprise me if he built it, then put in top floor penthouse units to rent out.

Yup, this. They’ll just raise the price to offset the increase.

And this will (immediately) raise the pricing structure for any and all goods and services coming from the fine country of Mexico, thus further burdening the American taxpayer. I would expect to see a 30 to 40 percent increase in all products entering the US from Mexico, effective tomorrow!

I might be coming at this slightly uninformed - but wouldn’t a tax on these goods just be passed along to the consumer in the form of higher prices for these goods? So, in effect, we’re still paying for the wall out of our own pockets?

Too True

Don’t you mean Brownettes?

To be fair, I don’t think Trump was referring to Langer when he said “that German guy had some interesting thoughts.”

Commenter: “maybe...........dont spit in a cop’s face?”

I want a lot of things. I want a house on the moon and a twelve foot dick.

Jesus H. Tap-dancing Christ, that was totally random and out of norwhere. Poor guy, I hope he’s OK now.

Presidents don’t repel laws, you moron.

Absolutely. We can also thank Obama for not repealing it, and in fact, for expanding it!

The most important political task facing the out-of-power party - the Democrats for now - is creating a villain to run against. It’s certainly easier than developing some grand new ideas or policies on which to campaign.

We aren’t going to buy your false equivalences anymore. You are insulting our intelligence.

So they’ll all be replaced by Russian sympathizers.

I can’t believe they call this child a “young women” in their statement. 14 is a fucking child. That is middle school 8th grade. Such fucking bullshit.

The teacher allegedly asked students whether it would make “sense” for a white actor to play a slave.

Well, if you read the Raw Story story you’d see that apparently, she took it upon herself to just call him names. I’m assuming it’s more emboldened white people fuckery thanks to Orange Foolius occupying the White House.

...the fuck? Is there a beginning to this story? Did she just run at him with a barrage of forearm shivers?