Counterpoint on Ohio: Cedar Point is the best amusement park in the USA.
Counterpoint on Ohio: Cedar Point is the best amusement park in the USA.
I stand corrected. I forgot about seeing that!
Most exciting NASCAR thing I’ve seen in close to a decade.
In case anyone is interested in what the logo and branding people think of it go here. You can also vote on the logo and jersey designs (great, fine, bad).
Edited because I was able to find a reference explaining my ignorance.
Thankfully, as of 2018 that can’t happen in professional golf anymore.
I agree with the “get a kitchen job” route. Wrangle your way into a line cook job at a nice restaurant for a while. You’ll learn a lot, especially things like how to effectively par-cook things to finish quickly later, the best equipment for certain tasks, and how to cook in quantity. I have a friend that now does TV…
by “200 and 300 thousandths” of an inch - This seems to be intentional obfuscation trying to make the violation seem tiny. Saying, between 1/5 and nearly 1/3 of an inch sounds like something you might actual be able to see with the naked eye.
I’d rather see Raleigh get a team over Charlotte. With Durham and Chapel Hill, there is plenty of population and the Triangle is growing like crazy as well. The Durham Bulls are very well supported and with three ACC baseball schools, there is a lot of baseball support here. There’s been highly speculated talk of…
Real cooks use metal tongs. I also haven't figured out a use for non-stick pans.
I absolutely love that color on the Tacoma. Somebody in my building hads one.
None of the things you’ve mentioned require refrigeration. If you ever worked in a restaurant, you would know that.
Oooh, I didn’t notice that. I’ll keep my eye out too.
I see that thing around Raleigh fairly often. They used to park it in a loading zone outside of the history museum across from the capitol. The museum workers got so fed up with children coming on field trips seeing it that they finally managed to get it towed and the parking enforcement stepped up.
Instead of clay, they used Silly Putty.
It’s got more rear overhang than a ‘59 Coupe de Ville and none of the style (or trunk space).
Since he refers to himself as a paraplegic, it’s safe to say that he is, for all intents and purposes, paralyzed.
+1 for masonry
How is even an article? It’s a clear penalty. You can’t hit the long snapper and he definitely did. It's not about maybe hitting his head, it's about hitting him PERIOD.
Per the Secret Service, one was found late yesterday during mail screening for the Clintons and another found this morning during screening for Obama.