
“Oh, brother. Give me a fucking break. What do they want? They furiously oppose expanded healthcare.”

Don’t forget free education and healthcare.

Nailed it. These fuckers know exactly what they are doing and are laughing all the way to the bank. They keep the morons clamoring for more the whole time. Fear is the motivation they use. Global warming is going to kill you, let us legislate this problem away for you.

Holy Shit! Hey everyone! ACA is a success! It worked for BakaPenguin, so it must be great for everyone else. Thanks for your stupid input. Now go fuck yourself.

A retard agreeing with another.

Our insurance system doesn’t do that anymore. It covers more than just risk. Insurance companies have become middle men for healthcare which is nonsense. If health insurance just covered risk, you would see premiums plummet. They have skillfully used regulations to mandate coverage of various foreseen conditions to

The ACA benefits nobody except the insurance and pharmaceutical companies. You are dumb if you believe otherwise.

Exactly. Government needs to be localized. It is the only way to hold it somewhat accountable. You mention state rights around a brainwashed progressive though and they will start screaming racist while running in circles.

They are definitely the problem, but it really isn’t their fault. Public education brainwashes these kids.

These progressives worship authority and expect government to provide everything for them. Until that attitude changes, we are fucked. My only hope is the internet is enough of a game changer to get rid of this mindset.

“Do we expect our legislators to come into any situation knowing everything (or even anything) about it?”

What he said makes perfect sense. You are the half-wit here. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

They may be intelligent, but they are not experts on every aspect of our lives. The problem is our electorate (people like WhatTheAardvark) is too stupid to recognize this.

They are. Our government gets more authoritarian every year.

You can’t use IQ tests as a measurement of intelligence or you are racist against blacks. Are you racist? You sure sound like it.

Most people are elites in a few select areas. Our government is set up in a way that gives them authority in all aspects of our lives. It’s bullshit. At least a few people on the right recognize this. People on the left worship authority.

“It’s become painfully obvious that few people in positions of power within our Government have the knowledge required to execute, legislate, or interpret any laws related to technology.”

Without the republican party, the democratic party would also implode. They need each other to keep the charade going.

“Which is already is”

You got me on a typo. Nice job. I take it back. You are brilliant. When you have no argument, you can always point out some petty bullshit.