
“Which is already is”

You got me on a typo. Nice job. I take it back. You are brilliant. When you have no argument, you can always point out some petty bullshit.

“For every dozen qualified women, there are a dozen qualified men.”

The sexism is rampant on this awful site. Feminists are the fucking worst. They need to put them all on an island with their MRA counterparts so the rest of society can move on without them.

“I guess I’m a grown up now. I’ll be voting for someone whose foreign policy I find detestable and potentially disastrous.”

“Yeah. And I feel like if you have to seek out someone of color to try and convince people that you’re not racist...chances are you’re pretty racist.”

These kids were trash. They most likely would have produced more trash by having kids. The world has enough trash. Not everyone deserves sympathy.

These stupid kids died because they drove a car into a pond. They weren’t put to death for their crimes. If I jump off a five story building I am going to die whether anyone thinks I deserve to or not. Now go fuck yourself.

You have reached peak stupidity. Go fuck yourself.

Uh oh. Do you know where you are? You are going to get so much shit on here. Don’t you know you can do whatever you want and if you are not successful it is some white guy’s fault?

“Kids are *only* what they’re taught and shown. Sure they are responsible for their behavior, but they are most likely not to blame for that behavior.”

Is this sarcasm? Self righteous buttholes are a dime a dozen around here so it is hard to tell. You can’t be serious.

“The world lost three people who could’ve turned out to be anything.”

“You don’t know what these 3 individuals could have provided to society later in their lives. I realize not everyone turns their life around, buy saying because they had a record the world lost nothing is simply beyond your and my knowledge....unless you can see into the future?”

“Instead of there being the slightest chance for redeeming any one of these three girls, there is now absolutely no possibility of redemption.”

I would like to hear about the grand impact you are making on the world. I am sure you are a very important person. Get off your high horse you fucking dipshit. The world doesn’t need or give a shit about you either despite whatever your stupid parents told you.

Why is that wrong? Everyone dies. Stupid people often die younger than others. This idea that death is so awful is what is wrong. It sucks for the people they left behind like their parents, but I have no sympathy for these kids.

“Trust TMZ to take the sleaziest, least dignified angle on any news story.”