Rachel Weinstein

Thank you for linking to "Nerd Porn Auteur," the single worst stomach-churning piece of writing I have ever read. It literally ends with Ernest Cline asking for geek girls to get in touch with him and become involved in pornography for his own sexual gratification. What a slimeball.

There they are, this year’s cast of Raisin in the Sun. We did have a little difficulty casting for the role of Walter Scott Lee, the young, attractive, yet troubled son, so we cut it. And as for everybody else, don’t worry, there are roles for everybody; you’ll all be playing trees.

The main character engine of the show is established in the pilot— Philip is disillusioned with the violence and duplicity of his job and wants to live a normal American life with his "normal" ""American"" family, while Elizabeth is a true believer in the Soviet cause— but season 1 is more focused on the "cool" spy

I'm still wondering who in the casting office sat down and thought of replacing Hercules Mulligan with Mandy Patinkin in the first place.

Obvious caveat that this is a Broadway musical with where a single seat costs hundreds of dollars so I don't think most people have or really can have "seen it" but the cast album is pretty cool and Mimi Lien's set is fabulous. I'm a little miffed that its thunder was stolen by the mediocre Dear Evan Hansen because

How I Met Your Morgue Attendant

Same joke that @disqus_KMKe0tqoWs:disqus made

I see your Doctor Who and raise you one Philip Jennings:

…that makes so much sense.

SARAH (cradling S's corpse): MENDOZA!!!!

Felix's lovely speech is cancelled out by Hell Wizard's rap.

I like that the episode devoted less time to the dissolution of the conspiracy that's governed its protagonists' lives for years than it did Felix's art gallery.

Hey, at least the fucker's dead!

Does he? Isn't she looking at the e-mail when she's talking to Sarah?

Thank you BBC America. Now, how about you stop showing ten-second clips of the final scene between commercial breaks?

Eek! @ that visual.

The sky above the port, et cetera et cetera…

Here is an actual page worth of writing from Ernest Cline's "novel" Ready Player One.

Can't wait for all the thinkpieces about how this movie is "eerily relevant"