
Nah, of course not; I just mean that people shouldn’t buy a reviewer’s opinion wholesale. Check it out for yourself. There’s a fee demo. It would stink for people to not even try it because reviewers thought it was too samey only for it to become a beloved cult classic after the studio shuts down and can’t make any

Fair enough; as long as you’re not letting your opinion be built for you by reviewers instead of trying out a free demo for yourself.

Depending on what we mean by “middling”, yes. I agree with your point about supporting mediocrity; I’m only saying I’m not convinced by a single article that Lost Sphear is in fact mediocre simply due to it building on what came before it and not “innovating” (i.e. ruining what works) enough. I like good games more

I’m not saying anyone needs to buy it. Please don’t misunderstand and accuse me of such a thing. I’m merely trying to sell people on a game I want them to buy to support a company I love. No game is for everyone, of course.

I Am Setsuna is reminiscent of what a more gameplay-faithful sequel to Chrono Trigger could have been back in the PS1-PS2 era, except in HD, of course, and the story is reminiscent of Final fantasy X, though I’m preferring Setsuna’s world so far. If that sounds interesting, then I highly recommend it. I say this as

I think I’d be disappointed if we didn’t have returning monsters and other elements. It’d be like a Final Fantasy without recurring monsters—it would feel disconnected with what came before it.

I understand the common complaint of reviewers who are payed to play games about games not being “different” enough, but for people who play games for fun (not their job), this isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes all we want is more of the same with just a few twists (or even just a new story, setting, and characters).

“[...]the mobile game features a take on the traditional turn-based battle system, with players defending to build up bravery before unleashing powerful attacks”

I feel like the second half of this quote disproves the former. I’d much rather have a traditional turn-based battle system rather than a weird, gimicky

Dang. SJWs take everything too seriously, don’t they.

Technically, it’s not racist. Racism, by etymological definition, involves races, and there is only one human race. Therefore, it’s impossible for humans to be racist against each other. I suppose you could say it’s prejudiced, though, or at least potentially offensive. Still, it seems we’ve become quite oversensitive

Okay, glitching is one thing, but hacking is kind of lame.

I think killing someone is different from tweeting out something on the Internet and then deleting it. We’re just so sensitive these days and so quick to label things as racist or hateful.

Nah, man. I’m not edgy. Having a freaking laser-face—now that’s edgy. I’m just voicing my opinion about the wussification of culture and how easily people get offended, which some of the responses to my comment prove all too well.

Yep! Just don’t think or say anything that people might find offensive. If you do, it’s all over!

I hear you. If this went beyond a stupid tweet and became harassment, that’s a different story. Still, I think people are a little too uptight and quick to punish.

Come on, man. I’m supposed to be the hateful one here. Telling me to kill myself is just mean.

Edit: Oops. Sorry, @cesar-online. For a minute there I thought I was the one being called a mass-murderer. My secret is still safe!

Speaking of the normal world, instead of automatically assuming the Japanese players are offended, why not let them hit back verbally? Get a nice back-and-forth going to build up hype for the next game? At least feel things out to see how they go down. But I guess we can’t do that, because someone might end up saying

Nah. Had some car issues, but I’m okay. Thanks for asking!

You make a good point, @cesar-online. I take back everything I said. :P The problem, though, is that even if I delete my comment after having been enlightened by unfounded selfrighteousness, someone’s bound to have taken a screenshot of my comment to persecute me further anyway. XD Maybe I can get even more