
To be fair, does this article strike you as having nothing but mercy?

One is a media that uses outrageous headlines, catchy wording, and impressive looking pictures to attract the attention of potential viewers and the other is a Time magazine.

A family that slays together stays together.

Sports? No. The organisations of major sports? Yes.

You'll definitely want more than 4 GB of RAM for Photoshop and Vegas. Beyond that, the 300 dollar machine should be usable, but you'd definitely notice the difference if you got the 600 dollar build. I'd recommend waiting.

PC Porn (Very NSFW)

Nope. You are part of an elite team of super trolls that feel the need to click into and article, go straight to the comments, and proceed to tell everyone how you don't care about whatever that article is about... so... yay for you?


Nomination: The Cartman Hall Monitor

!nomination! blue monitor (varanus macraei)

Nomination: Monitor X. I like Monitor X because etc. etc. etc.