I agree, Photoshop is a memory hog, so you want at *least* 8gb of ram.
I agree, Photoshop is a memory hog, so you want at *least* 8gb of ram.
This artwork right here reminds me of Log Horizon
Your enemies aren't this patient in the main game, however. They meet your advances with a calculated efficiency, which is where things start to get really interesting. Because unlike a game like XCOM or any number of turn-based RPGs that I've played recently, the bad guys in Transistor aren't content to just sit…
Damn gifs.
On his Deviant Art page he states it is a NOTAR copter.
I am surprised no one has posted this. A definition of the nutpuncher.
What about Eureka 7 with those LFO's? Not too much going on in the HUD, it mostly seems for communication, but I loved the original series.
That looks like a Trandoshan.
Is that a Trandoshan?