
He's a complete chameleon while still sounding like himself.

Counterpoint: I love Heartbreak Warfare.

The new Oberst is good!! The full band arrangements are well thought out. It would have been easy to do this in a lazy way, but they really give the songs a different feel.

At this point, though, isn't it a signature sound more than just a trick? That blown out sound is one of the things I love about throwing on a Spoon record.

All of this is making me very, very happy. Like James Holden smelling a bulb of good coffee happy.

Bummer. I can always drown my sorrows in a Platform Speed Merchant.

Watched 28 Days Later for the first time. Really fun. Even with the patented Alex Garland 3rd Act issues.

GLBC Christmas Ale is quite good this year.

Ha. No. I can't take any joy in it. It really depresses me how bad they are. The Cavs and Indians seasons were awesome, but my heart longs for a good Browns team over everything.

I used to get excited about the draft. Now, I just get nauseous.

Casey Affleck is so riveting and off-putting in that. I cannot look away. It's a beaut.

That is crushing. I'm so sorry to hear that. Miscarriages are brutal enough on there own.

It's no surprise to me. As a Browns fan whose only football enjoyment is seeing the Steelers lose, I knew the 2016 season would continue to pummel my weak and lifeless sports fandom.

Yes, I know!

1. Life Aquatic
2. Royal Tenenbaums
3. Rushmore
4. Darjeeling Ltd
5. Moonrise Kingdom
6. Fantastic Mr. Fox
Life Aquatic wrecks me. It is the Anderson films that hits on all cylinders for me. Style, whimsy, emotion.

This episode guts me. It captures the feeling of loss, longing, and exhaustion so well. One of my favorites.