
step 1 to keeping any program funded is “congressional engineering” ensuring as many congressional districts as possible are involved in building parts or services for the program.
step 2 is to ensure that a huge PR machine is in operation spreading the message that there are no alternatives (bs), we’ve already sunk

if it doesn't burn JP8 the army won't buy it in any significant quantities. the logistic tail cost of having to provide a second type of fuel is just too long.

I have the previous gen 42" with Bluetooth sub and surrounds that wire to the sub.

not as good as my previous component surround sound system (yamaha receiver, Athena speakers, custom sub), but darn good and takes up a hell of a lot less space, and a lot less wires all over the place.

I have the previous gen 42" with Bluetooth sub and surrounds that wire to the sub.

not as good as my previous

but a significant percentage of the current clown-car character is down to the base car being such a steaming pile of shit aerodynamically and in terms of fundamental design, where the weight balance is so far off what it should be that they had to put 36 lbs of tungsten ballast in the very tip of te nose, which was

the current generation clown car is not helping things. all the garbage they have put on those aborted fetus cars to try and make them drivable is terrible.

you can keep costs in line by having a spec chassis/trans/suspension/wheel/brake package with “run what ya brung” engine (to include fuel type) and aero rules.

this is a beautiful starting point for a LeMons racer, because it is worth less than $500 and would tickle all the right nubs in that world. but $18K? that is $17,500 too much crack pipe.

I'm hoping to make a career of it.


Colorado background should have been a pot leaf, not wings

all we really want to know is: has the new bug been Orlove’d yet?

it is really funny, if they extended the roofline horizontally for about 1-1.5 feet and had the hatch back a little more vertical and painted it brown, Jalops would be soiling themselves praising the brown stationwagon Porsche.

sidewinder is a rocket motor, not a turbojet. costs not even remotely similar.

no, it would require a MGU-H attached to the turbo as is done in F1 and WEC or the generator on the output shaft of the engine as is done in the Prius or any modern hybrid. alternators are about to go the way of the dodo. when you are already generating massive electrical power using GU-H, the extra needed to drive

you seem pretty butthurt over someone thinking that a car is ugly and expressing that opinion on the internet. if you don’t agree with my opinion, (which was not critical of the photo, but was critical of the car), fine, don’t agree.

no, because the lakes themselves, and much of the architecture is beautiful, but there are definitely some serious pockets of ugly to be found up there.

for instance, Your Mom.

because of the dark color of the car and the backlighting, the hideous go faster holes that make the front end of this car so ugly are hard to see, making the car actually look not so bad.

still ugly though.

I’m kind of down with the restomod, but I would go with an old enough jag engine that it was still pretty and not the new plastic shrouded garbage.
something from an older XJ-6/XJ-S. dirt cheap and still pretty, polished SUs and tube headers, a modern 5 or 6 speed tranny, the rear end and suspension/brakes all around

why buy a simple, cheap, functioning system from our #1 BFF/BAE when we can spend billions on a rube goldberg system because ROCKETS!!! OMG ROCKETS!!! ONLY THING BETTER WOULD BE FRIKKIN LAZER BEAMZZZZ!!!!!!

Eddie was _the_ best. there was a TLC match on Raw that was the single best match in the history of ever (might have been against one of the hardys).
it was so good, they tried to redo the match the next week move for move with a different opponent who they wer trying to push, and that guy just didn’t have the chops

I’m just replying to your message to make your replies pulldown even more ridiculous.