Remember, if you’re in Australia we don’t get Arrested Development season five on Netflix until... UNDETERMINED!
Remember, if you’re in Australia we don’t get Arrested Development season five on Netflix until... UNDETERMINED!
Though we share a name and a love for the same band, we couldn’t disagree more here. Their first EPs are milquetoast; I never ever listen to them anymore. From the first two albums you could compile an EP’s worth of good songs (an EP that would admittedly feature their best song “Westfall”). Black Sheep Boy is their…
No, overprocessed garbage is what most meat-eaters consume.
Huh? Oh, you guys are talking about Adam Quardero.
Joel McHale would be one of the upper floor tools who has to “slum it” down in IT.
It’s a combination of a) more than that and b) Australian media practices (and media law) and our legal precedents viewing defamation differently to the US, with both positive and negative impacts.
The ‘more than that’ is the fact the writer used the headline kickers ‘King Leer’ and then something about Rush being…
Wow they’re really socking it to that Donald Trump guy. He must work there or something.
God is it ever. I have a screenshot somewhere of all those good and bad points deeds from the first episode.
Here’s the other thing I noticed: the second line was delivered offscreen, meaning it was spliced in (maybe ADRed, maybe taken from another take, something), and the cut to Janet frogvomiting immediately afterward.
I forking love Chidi. Im shipping him and Eleanor purely out of projection.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization - his personal…
No, Jen Kirkman didn’t accuse him of that, and I feel like that misunderstanding is at the heart of a lot of commentary, and might even be at the heart of why, after describing someone who pretty transparently sounded like CK, she then denied it was him. Around the time there was a resurgence of publicity around the…
Yep, straight up my favourite GG episode ever. It doesn’t really deal much with the overall series arc, but it’s just a hell of a lot of fun, and works well with wit/character interaction/pop culture references (which is the main appeal of the show to me). Rory is yet to go past her insufferability point of no return,…
“Someone Great” is a pretty obvious choice for best song.
I used to think that too. But I was wrong.
Gonna have to give Dave “Gruber” Allen my vote for town troubadour. I hear he does a killer version of Alice Cooper’s “I’m Eighteen.”