
“...under federal sentencing guidelines he’s expected to spend the rest of his life in prison.”

I can no longer look at my Tapatio the same again. :[

What the fuck did any of us ever do to you to deserve having that image seared into our brains?

“don’t put people in concentration camps” also used to be a pretty cold take. Now, its a very controversial idea.

It’s almost as if, and hear me out on this one, almost as if everyone on the right is a con artist. Crazy, I know.

Down the rabbit hole indeed.

The term “conservative feminism” is an oxymoron. The very definition of the modern conservative is to be anti feminist.

Tonight in Orlando, Trump announces his plans for 2020 with him running for re-election and that he will start a pointless and unwinnable war just in time for the primaries.

From the fanciest black tie dinner party to the lowest gathering of hobos and drunks around a trash can fire, there is one thing that will alway remain true: people with guns ruin fucking everything.

LOL bootlicker

Doesn’t matter if he caught anything in frame or not. Filming in the bathroom is illegal and punishable with a fine, probation, or jail time.

Later on, after Torres delivered her burn, New Jersey Rep. Christopher Smith called the reproductive rights movement a “modern-day flat earth society.”

Isn’t this the genius that got caught cheating on his wife with a follower?  I feel like he’s the definition of “low IQ” at this point.  

Just get rid of him already, all these fucking people and their disgusting fucking edgy streams, learn some manners and laws because this shit is tiring.

I think the director handled this perfectly. Her aim is awareness. If you censor or diminish the severity of the act, you are also doing so in the subconsciousness of your viewers.

Lesson learned.  Stop taking pictures of your fucking food.  Just eat it.

Wow. Yeah I’d heard of this via reading a lot of boxing stuff, and hearing boxing trainers telling their fighters not to do that.

Why the hell was this woman charged and why are her name and picture in the media? She is the alleged victim of a sexual assault.