
Fox: “We just need to arm teachers so this wont happen again”.

Eye patch andy

eat it boot licker

Tax payer money I bet

SO many LARPers in here. Guess what the bombs that are used to kill civilian people in Yemen are from US. Does this mean Yemen rebels has a right to attack the US.

What happens when you sniff to much rocket fuel.

No problem, so much news its information overload.

It’s all the gamergate morons and their twitch incel leader Trainwreck trying to promote “SquadW”. Which is a way for them to hate on women. He claims it stands for double standards, but yet you would see them use it while attack a female character in game...etc

Trump or anyone posting to the internet outside of a professional capacity.

Basically he love his buddies killing minorities to save white people from white genocide. He doesn’t like it when they name him because it makes it harder for him to redpill people. Which has work on normies with this latest propaganda.

more concentration camps.

That is why everyone hates Jim and we all know Dwight is the real hero.

Damn I just found out the other day StaySafe is a white national. SO yeah not shock majority of these streamers are like this. 


Now playing

Destiny debated about this with some gun nut from Orange county California. Basically when morons brings up knifing in London its a pro gun talking point, or in vincent case a dog whistle. 

Maybe they used Trump knowing he would leak to try bait Iran to leak some info on the purpose of the launch. By the looks of it they got maybe some free intel on the satellite image *shrugs*. 4D chess and Trump is the pawn.

She couldn’t stop flossin”, wheres the video of this?

But that is trump base, women are a minority in their views.