
I want to live in your house!

Yo, this isn't about us not having 900 nukes to shoot off when ever. It's scary that security was compromised tho.

They should come custom engraved. I'd take a B!'s

@PossibleCabbage: Well it's only expensive cause it's not mass produced.

@lucasway89: The golden eggs aren't that hard to find. Atleast all except the 2 hidden ones. If you look at the eggs on the golden page all but 2 have hints on where to find em

@DoubleException: It's true! When I moved here my fam was surpirsed to learn all houses with second floors were wooden and not brick!

Wait are we surprised? wtf insurance co.s

a 1.3gb pic? i think that breaks the rules :(

Quarters huh? I've been using these as water tight containers for my smokeables when I go kayaking :P

@rjp is protected: Right, it would prolly push the strap up and choke you, not very safe now is it?

I thought defamation is only being committed when it's a lie. Is calling and asshole an asshole illegal now!?

What about a discreet airbag for our equally vulnerable testies? If you look a the video, the bike still crushes his privates :P and who wouldn't want an airbag to pop out when ever feet (or anything else really) it registered abnormal foot movements nearby !

Are you kidding me!! This is one of my all time favorite snes games. It's one of the few that work flawlessly on my android snes emulator.

Where's the original image source?

Lol, on the tilt one, I felt like I was playing world of goo :P

@Anrkist: The part where they explain how to play pool has stuck with me through the years.

@Borello-Crompton: I don't think i would by a single console 3d tv. Besides realistically how "affordable" do you think it's gonna be? jus sayin

@Nitemancometh: Aw dam it, Radioshack is a joke! The employees are useless and everything has a huge markup!

"I don't know if you're particles or waves but you go down smooth!" - Bender