
Doesn't work with the Droid Incredible.

What do you mean "may"

@zjgz: Depends what the cop is into ;-)

@BoriOki: And Grooveshark VIP Mobile, having practically any song at my fingertips is priceless, way faster than searching for them on youtube or something.

SMS popup for android. With it I can set which contact's text pop up, their notification sounds, and a few other text settings. All with a very minimalistic UI.

Why the hell not? I mean I must have spend hundreds of hours just making characters in games like Phantasy Star since they gave you such in depth customization.

It took me a while to find street view on my DInc.

Until I can switch seamlessly from walking to skating I will not be satisfied.

lmao to the catching laptops with their butts. I can't seem to reply directly to lankysob's post.

Sorry but nothin beats my hobo tool

My fancy new Incredible is already minimum stats! :'(

All the "sexy chinese girls" apps and the like are a little annoying. Maybe including a mature filter?

The Jews did a similar thing in factories during the Holocaust. They would make bullets and pieces at slightly different configurations and sizes rendering large amounts of hardware unusable for the Germans.

Level 5 . . . what else did they make again? They sound familiar

Level 5 . . . what else did they make again? They sound familiar

Yes! They finally put 4:20 as the time on one of these phone stock pics!!!

@moe52: lmao its a good idea too, cause then you're not sticky when you lie down on the sand!

@senselocke: You have a good point, but wouldn't this limit tvs and games to single users? I mean theres those tvs that shoot light at every angle but then those don't need head tracking either.

Yeah I love castlevania, and this game looks sweet, but how is it not god of war? I mean look at that screenshot of him walking across the plank, and quicktime events too?

@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: All this thing needs is a massive advertising campaign, just after a year they can put out a stat that one of two rapes end up in you losing your dick and then the assholes would think twice.