
@G-Ram: Why didn't you spread the gospel?!

Sweet, one mount closer to my Albino Drake Mount!

@vorpal_raddish: Or noticing that the system they're playing on (or the game) don't match the controllers in their hands. :P

@Deanb: hahahhah i was seriously off my chair laughing. ty for brightening up my morning sir.

@timestep: When someone showed me zoro with his 3 swords I was smitten (like 8 years ago?) but I never sat down to watch.

Woah that looks interesting, whats his name, Dom looks like losing his wife really tore him down over the years. Phoenix's eyes looked hollow too.

@GuardianOfChaos: I have to agree about the class/race thing. I'm one of those people who wish Pallys stayed with ally and the horde got exclusive use of the shammy!

@Zeuxis: lol that's my clause for every apple product :P if I ever won the lottery . . .

@oby: lmao, I think we found a good use for that waterproofipad skin.

Yea but how do you sit to play rapelay?

@Jerry Thompson: lmfao thats a good one, I usually just put it behind my laptop but it catches me by surprise when I shut it down :P

Voting for enigma only because once I downloaded it I became obsessed. I kept visiting different forums, and asking everyone I knew that knew anything about code.

@VincentGrey: Lame, I'll be spending my weekend mining in wow tho so I can't say much :P

@High Speed Indeed: Yeah but unless she's been collecting 100 and 1000 dollar shoes and purses her whole life, then you two are nowhere near even.

Holy cow that is totally inexcusable, and even more outraging is the fact that she's like "so how can i get him to get over it cause hes in the wrong" if someone threw out my WH40K collection like that, that someone is gonna pay.

I thought this was gonna be an article on using old books with covers of sentimental value, bleaching the pages or something, and re-purposing it as a journal.

@Tony Bullard: I'm not saying you're the only one, but I sometimes gotta catch myself from drifting off a minute after sex.

You guys missed the best part of the update.