
Cool phones

Not only was I sitting down Owen, I was sitting down on the toilet. I can honestly say I crapped myself.

Man, you know what I was thinking? They should make E3 and all these shows available to everyone? An easy way to do that would be to create the showroom virtually. Then you would buy (a much cheaper) ticket, and the showroom would work like what I'm guessing the PS3Home looks like. You could walk around and you can

Aggressive Inline definitely shaped what music I listen to today :P

I'm going to get Lost Kingdom for the GC for my sister, shes been asking me about that game for 2 years. Plus i owe it to her since I lost her copy of windwaker.

I think there's still a way's to go. Imagine a game that looked and played as smoothly as a dreamworks or pixar movie? Imagine severely shortened loading times that happen behind the screen so you can keep playing and then the game just updates. Imagine no hardware failures, seamless online capability. Imagine a

A lot of attractive women in there, and a lot of almost attractive as well. The cop pictures were good :D


Two short stories.

Hey, if you guys really want this shirt I can make you copies of it. Or hell, why don't you make it yourself? This ratrace is ridiculous.

1) I hope we get some female DNA out there too.

Why do they keep making the hot girls have gray hair? They did the same thing in XII, brown in cutscenes but nasty gray in gameplay.

This wasn't posted at 12:00 as you so romantically noted; but rather sometime around 1:45. I waited Kotaku, sorry. I waited. Where were you?

I made a bong out of one a few months ago Dremelled a hole in the side of the clear plastic, stuck a bowl in there. Dremelled a hole in the black spindle, and then attached a tube to it.

As long as the real KH3 comes out for 360 in . . . 2012 or whenever. I'll be just dandy.

Seriously Nintendo? I remained a stead fast fan while the gamecube was circulating, I supported it and defended my indigo cube; but the Wii is admittedly, vastly underpowered. No matter how innovative and imaginative the games are, they are still lacking that extra boost that the 360 and, to a greater extent, the PS3

Sorry Brian, but this was somewhat poorly written; spelling and grammar mistakes abound. However, this could lend credit to the game, if we are to believe that the sheer magnitude of its awesomeness temporarily impaired your writing abilities.