Boricua in Texas

Party on, Wong!

Or, and just hear me out, maybe certain pieces of media labelled “nerdy” have actually always been wildly popular with the general public? Maybe that’s why LotR has never fallen out of print and was adapted into one of the highest grossing film trilogies of all time, Star Wars was at one point the highest grossing

Have you never felt like shit after fucking up? It can be tough to thread the needle between holding yourself accountable and spiraling into shame and self-hatred.

That’s a lot of comments about a dress for someone who doesn’t give a shit about a fucking dress.

A few friends had a similar conversation with me not too long ago. I went to rehab and everything, and have been sober since. It really is crazy how much your life improves if you just let it. About to hit my 6 months sobriety date, which I know isn’t that long, but for me it’s a lifetime.

Jean-Xavier de Lestrade?

We learned the toll that being a super hero has on a ‘regular joe’ type. He’s hard of hearing now and we got to see him struggle with the aftermath of becoming Ronin. I thought his mini series was probably the strongest of all of them

I always thought Kim would make it out alive, just wasn’t sure how. Now I think she might get vacuumed just to keep her safe.

I always enjoy it when people complain about a song I’ve never heard before being overplayed.

What the prequel has going for it are lot of spectacular dragon on dragon battles and enough scheming, betrayal and heroics to fill up several seasons. The fact that Dumb and Dumber have absolutely nothing to with the show running is likely the biggest advantage the prequel has.

Yep, the fact is we shouldn’t know any of this. The way its being broadcast for all is wrong. People chiming in and proclaiming one or the other to be telling the truth ultimately know fuck all and should really just keep their mouths shut.

This shouldn’t be a public trial.

I’ve always subscribed to the thought that

You got it, chief!

i’m not entirely sure ‘more casual Cage fans who know him mainly from stuff like Leaving Las Vegas and Moonstruck’ exist in 2022. wouldn’t the ‘casual fans’ ONLY know him from the memes and not 30 year old movies?

Ummm, does this REALLY surprise anyone? I just read the RS piece and it’s unbelievably horrible. I never liked any of his re-cycled and obviously inferior Alice Cooper schtick and thought he was a giant asshole. I’m right for once.


Dune 2: Spice World

I think even hot topic kids would find these two tryhards tiresome...

Those are typical business suits for dragon-oriented royals in pretend times.  I see no issue.

GoT’s season 1 costume and wig game was significantly weaker than from season 2 onwards, though - I imagine they don’t want to overcommit on the budget there. Dinklage’s awful hair almost distracts from his performance at points.