Bori Bori Bori

It’s a fucked up criticism of women who don’t have smaller wastes, who don’t fit the European ideal womanly body. That coming from a woman who has filled several punch cards at her discount cosmetic surgeon’s office.

what? i wish it were 2008!

As far as I can tell, by past statements and behavior, Jennifer Lawrence is a fucking idiot.

I had nothing better to do.

Splendid!! My morning just got that much brighter. Time to get out my tightest, reddest grave-dancin’ dress and polish up my very best fuckme stilettos, and motor on out to that funeral!

Yeah, show me the systematic history of men’s oppression (by women) via the objectification and control of men’s bodies (by women) and then we can start to compare Leslie Jones calling an athlete sexy to what men do to women.

I don’t have a problem images and video from social media feeds being used in news stories after a mass shooting, but it’s fucking ghoulish for journalists to mob a teenager online as he’s hiding on the floor of a classroom. We’ve gone through at least 10 years of shootings being documented on camera and the images

Journalists do important work. But anyone hounding a child (because teenagers are still children) after such a traumatic experience for comment or an interview or image permissions is a piece of shit. Anyone doing this while the event is actively continuing needs to take a real look at their life and wonder how they

Absolutely. My brother died suddenly 3 years ago, and if someone who hadn’t spoken to me in years (but knew how to contact me personally) took to social media to offer condolences, I would have been PISSSSSSSED. If SJP sincerely wanted to offer condolences, she should have done so privately. Her behavior comes of as

Eh, I totally lost my shit after my mom died. People handle grief differently and I think that is one thing no one should be judged on.

I understand that the advent of social media has changed our social mores, but there is still etiquette to follow after the death of someone you know or know through others. It is absolutely not the time to make public conciliatory gestures like Parker’s because you are making it about YOU. If you want to extend an

oh, well then, enjoy your upcoming coma.

In what possible way does he not seem like the kind of guy who would give her an infection deliberately as some kind of “sexy” act of possession?

Dakota Johnson is bad in everything.

“It’s funny because he’s treating me like shit.” *sips coffee*

I’m enjoying reading this like it’s a circa 2005 LiveJournal blog post about a group of girlfriends going out to hate-watch The Worst Movie Night, Wine Required. So I’m torn between “why would you all do this to yourselves, I hope you got paid a bonus for risking your mental sanity” and “Can I come too, you guys seem

Yogurt again, somehow.

Fuck this shit. I love doritos. I will lick my fingers in public, but I pour the crumbs into my hand because I wasn’t raised by wolves. Haven’t been kicked out of the Junior League yet.

This is so fucking ridiculous. Of course we eat lick our fingers and poor the crumbs down our gullets... we just do it in private shame the way that we’ve conditioned to do.

I was literally polishing off a small bag of Cool Ranch doritos as I read this and had reached the “tipping the bag into mouth for crumbs” section right at that goddamn paragraph.