
Why do we need 64 Bit edition in the screenshot. This does not help new Linux users to choose....

@djbender: Mint Julia is NOT based on Ubuntu. It is Debian based.

@Skunky: Yes Shadow/Acclaim replaced K-Car and then became "Little White Trash Neons"

Bad things happen on September 11!

Like Wally, I accept the 1/59 cycle.

This was an option on the Pontiac Aztek. Another great innovation that was lost in what the Aztek became.....

Nice write up. All of Muralee's old vehicles have been found again!

@Kuro: Do you have photos of the cag?

@GenericHenchmanNo.4: Crunchbang is good, but there is a Openbox Ubuntu in the wild for those needing some help in transition.

What happens to the following?

OJ killed the SUV image in that car chase.

This kid may be the new weekend Jalopnik writer.....

page not found

And they say Chrysler has bad building....

@Armand: Saturn was condemned by the UAW as Saturn never got any support or updates for over 10 years and even when they got the EV1, it was removed with nothing to replace it. Saturn could have competed, but they simply failed.

@arahman56: My system is a Dell C840 2.0 Ghz with 1 Gig ram and a 20 Gig HD. I migrated recently to crunchbang Linux. ebay,craigslist, yardsales are good sources.

@arahman56: $50 for a used laptop and MintLinux is free. I have the very item. The story focus was on saving money.

@arahman56: You can get a laptop and install Mint9 for $50