
To my mind this confirms everything Kim said.

the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”

I just want to highlight this passage for anyone who skims or just jumps to the comments. Because truer words.

fuck off

Alt Shift X (look him up on YouTube. He’s great) mentioned a theory that Tormund is Lady Mormont’s father since he’s said to have bedded a she-bear, and She Bear was Lady Mormont’s mom’s nickname.

I DO NOT understand how he still loves her the way he does. Book Jamie has much more backbone than TV Jamie.

“Make a small boy travel at speed toward a solid object” does seem to be Jaime’s...oddly specific, way of showing his love.

Uh we saw the hound’s ween when he was peeing pls correct article to include peein’ ween.

If you can prove his wife exists, I’ll give you a million dollars

They are heroes in the truest sense. They saw something and did something and proved that every action has the potential to change lives.

The narratives that have built up about Clinton being a terrible campaigner and Trump being a political genius are going to change now that we’re (almost)into the general election. She’s going to destroy him, and I’m going to love watching it.

Brilliant. Clinton is so much better than she’s given credit for. She’s intelligent, thoughtful, and experienced. She’s made mistakes, but so have we all. Plus, she’s learned from them, which unfortunately cannot be said for Trump.

He’s 16, she’s 15, and by all accounts it was consensual.

Good take! I really hope you are right - and actually it also makes a lot of sense that he would test Arya against a theatrical Cersei first, to see if she could understand the vulnerable side of the queen before she is sent to assassinate the real deal. It’s a much bigger deal to take the life of someone you can

Thank you for replying. I’m torn about this one, so I was curious what others’ motivation is. I still hope there will be a time when a female noun won’t be intrinsically derogatory.

It was Tamzin Merchant who was supposed to be the original Dany! All I’ve watched of her is as King Henry’s airhead teen wife in The Tudors. Imho, EC is more suited for the role of Dany if we’re talking about looks. She just has stronger facial features, while TM looks really elfin and dainty. I’m imagining TM among

I love Keanu. He’s basically playing a version of himself in every movie, but as it happens, he’s a likeable guy, so it works.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, nothing exists outside of the US. It’s your fault you don’t have HBO go.

Sarcastic reply courtesy of Canada where I would be upset too if I didn’t watch it last night because I can’t just order HBO without a cable package.

Exactly! On the TITLE, freaking main page in big letters...I seriously had been avoiding Facebook and The Guardian (who spoiled Jon Snow for me), and pretty much opening any main page of any newspaper/blog/whatever. Just for clicking on refresh!
This is outright mean, if the author of this article doesn’t apologize,

Thanks for the headline that spoiled GoT for me. I was reading another article and I refreshed the page and saw this.
Greetings from Europe, where we have to wait a day to get to watch the episode. Eff-you Jezebel, you’re from now on banned from my list of favorite websites to read with my morning coffee.