In case you needed more proof that Gohmert is one of the most truly abhorrent people in Congress, which is a very, very high (low?) bar to clear. Like, Ted Cruz/Rand Paul levels of disgustingness as a human being.
In case you needed more proof that Gohmert is one of the most truly abhorrent people in Congress, which is a very, very high (low?) bar to clear. Like, Ted Cruz/Rand Paul levels of disgustingness as a human being.
He needs a gun to protect him from the make believe things he can’t see, but God will protect him from real dangers, obviously.
I know! I’m so excited! Ahh!!!
Just saw that! Amazing!
Yo! That’s legitimately the best thing I’ve seen in ages! I hope (i) it’s real, and (ii) they’re spectacular...I mean, that they succeed! Amazing! Almost as awesome as for late-breaking sprots news and analysis!
I’m loving all of this sprots coverage lately on The Slot. Top notch stuff. I hope it inspires G/O Media to start a sprots website, something without access, favor or discretion.
Very good point.
This is such a great piece of advice - I’ll try it with the kids, but I’m excited about doing this for myself. Thanks.
You must be referring to, which is the first site I check every morning for up to the minute sprots news and analysis.
This is good sprots coverage. I enjoy when The Slot covers sprots. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I just wish G/O Media had a site dedicated to coverage of sprots.
I’m preemptively annoyed at the “Lion of the Senate” obituaries he’ll get when he dies.
Fuck you if you voted for any Republican, from President down to municipal dog catcher. It’s all your fault.
This is all super fascinating - thanks for the lesson! It really is just more evidence that language - not just the choice of words or implications of accent, but the actual basic construction of the language itself - is inexplicably tied to power, class, race, etc.
In addition to all of what you said, I’ve always been told that the Yemeni Jews speak was is closest to Biblical Hebrew. The best example is the letter taf. In modern Hebrew it’s pronounced “Taf”, while in Ashkenazik Hebrew (Yiddish-influenced, and the way I learned and use it), it’s pronounced “Saf”, while the… worries.
I’ve taken both Illinois and California and in both you were allowed a clear bag with pens, pencils, ear plugs, computer power cord, mouse, tissues, or things like that. I suppose tampons could be brought in there, too, and in both places I took exams the bathrooms were inside the check-in zone, so, theoretically, you…
Very cool! Yeah, it’s really interesting to see how close Hebrew and Arabic are, though I’ve always thought Arabic sounds more fluid and pretty, almost French-like.
I mean, to be fair, as a Jewish non-physician, this was exactly what I was sent after my Bubbie, aleha ha’shalom, was nifteres, even though I gave her a great-grandson with Zaide’s name.
Oh, I agree wholeheartedly, but I have my dreams, damnit!