
Can that couple please tell me how they got alexa to record an ENTIRE conversation? I can’t even get it to listen to my entire command most of the time!

Yes! My favorite discovery when I got my Apple TV...The only time I use airplay is for a better porn viewing experience

Tee hee...That’s how I do it even if I’m flying Southwest (if I am Group B) I just show up to the airport when boarding time begins’s those same people who later brag about the latest “detox” trend they are trying. 

Was thinking of Justine from Superstore the whole time I was reading this! 😂

This is what I like to do. May seem like more work but it’s useful...I always have a fresh face towel. And even my guests never have to share towels. Pack of 25 for about $10 at Costco!

Where was Scott Eastwood?!

Looks wise Ben should be my dream man and fits almost all the criteria I have for “looks” category of a man. But THANK GOD looks aren’t enough for me, I cannot stand him otherwise!

I think that’s a typo...he means wet.

I wish there was a picture of the Radish game. In Armenian we have a children’s poem that is very similar.

Even the monster book gets real looking hair...must be a girl ;)

Harry doesn’t look so life-like...

I just bought in May at $130...Im riding it out but so wish I waited till now!

THANK YOU!!! Reading the last post I realized all the reasons he hates Full House are why it doesn’t bother me! As he says its just a time machine at this point to revisit a “simpler” time and that why people still love it.

I so wanna see this to laugh but it really isn’t worth wasting my precious time I have left in the world!

Love this part! I am a gay man and my best friend is very mormon...We have not only been friends since high school but we agree on many thing and those we don’t we can talk about it and move on.

THANK YOU! Just because most people don’t get the fairy tale explosions doesn’t mean it doesnt exist. Better advise is be open to take it when it comes even if it sneaks up on you!

Even at 27 I play the “I’m too old for this shit” card and will only give my opinions to people close to me who matter. However, a few years ago a group of coworkers were going out and last minute decided to invite me. Even as a last min add-on I got everyone (all straight) to go hang out at a gay bar. One of the

This is the biggest frustration with me and the world right now. Most things are “optional” or “wants” but having a desirable place to live should be available to anyone who is willing to work work for it. Doesn’t have to be a mansion or even a single family home necessarily but for the price of most places and what