
Amen! (Next time someone "brags" about being busy ask them exactly what makes them so busy and watch the illusion shatter...

I would like to see people try to leave "but" out of an apology! (ex: I'm so sorry I was a huge A-hole but you...blah...blah...) As humans, our ego always wants to make sure its comforted too.

Yes, I definitely agree that the "consumer" is also responsible. People tend to want things chewed up and fed to them so they won't question things or want to change their lifestyle. Even for those who do want to seek more info and make a change, there is so much conflicting info that many just give up and feel forced

If I go to the doctor, I don't go just to cover symptoms. For example if you just take pain medication to get rid of pain you are just removing the alert your body sends of a problem (similar to marking an email as "read" w/o actually reading it") a doctor's main purpose should be to find out what the root problem is

While I don't believe in the conspiracy theories, we do have a huge problem in out knowledge of the human body that makes it feel like we do live in a "matrix" of sorts. Doctors like surgeons and do miraculous things however for simpler things doctors just don't know enough and so many people are misdiagnosed or just

Totally useless but its too much fun searching for shows and watching the numbers go up then searching for "The Beautiful Life" and watch them fall down!!! (Yes, I'm 5!)

You "Need" your phone for other reasons too so it makes more sense (also makes the need for a 3Ds even less)

What grown adult needs a Nintendo 3Ds on them at all times?! ^___^

I don't get why they charge $5.99 for shipping to prime members? Isn't the whole point that you fill a box up so essentially its the same as buying the bulk/freeshipping version. If it was free for prime and $5.99 for non-prime I think it would be more worth it to some.

not a big deal, if you restore the apps will not sync on the phone (but the data will) and you just need to download them from the app store cloud to your phone.

Wish my ass didn't get so sweaty!!

You forgot to also factor that speeding over 65mph greatly cuts down on MPGs therefore making the trip more expensive and even in the city hitting breaks after accelerating also cuts MPGs.

People don't realize that juicing (and smoothies) are technically "processed" break it down smaller than chewing would and it gets digested faster. That being said smoothies are 5000x better than juicing and you can add a lot more ingredients than just fruit/veggies which alone are not a healthy "meal".

Normally your point would be correct but in this instance it is down to two reasons: You have some sort of disability (which is why the BUTTON SHAPE is in the ACCESSIBILITY menu) OR you are incompetent ^___^

I live in Disneyland and can't do it myself...Most of us who live in apartments don't have access to a hose nor a place to wash our cars.

Haha! Thats what I thought When I read that...

Sorry posted twice...First one crashed!

Under $20 H&M...I have one great quality!

H&M Under $20! Good quality