
That’s my feeling too. Certainly she’s lovely (irrelevant) and perhaps she is very charming on a personal level, but I’m not impressed by her track record.

You’re right about the progression in general, but Huma isn’t involved in policy and has no real public face. Name any of her responsibilities—I can’t.

I don’t get the Huma love. Her beauty is irelevant and I know nothing about her personally. What I do know that since rising above her intern status she A) played a major role in two horribly run campaigns, B) Was involved in many terrible conflicts of interests while at the State Dept. (We rightfully are wary of

Oh the simple pleasures the youth of today will never know.

Russian traditions seem to be by brutes for brutes

Also do everyone a favor and back off from policing people’s thoughts. We don’t get to choose what we think all the time - NO, WE DON’T - because that’s how brains work. we *can* choose how we act on those thoughts and we can work to manage them/ channel the energy constructively - again with what I said earlier and

I know women who have rape fantasies. Just FWIW.

These people also think that the Ladies sign on a bathroom door magically keeps out male rapists. This is the kind of brainpower we’re up against.

I don’t want the wall. And I don’t give a fuck what some redneck asshole like Electric Grid, who took time away from fucking his sister to post this, has to say about it.

Despite your gut reactions to the law on its face, you should examine the historical and legal precedent in which the law was passed. Historically, this MO law was passed during the 80s at the height of the AIDS scare. BY carefully wording the law, it was passed in compliance with the equal protection amendment of

Let’s parse this out, shall we? If an HIV- person takes an action – engaging in unprotected sex without disclosing his/her HIV status – it is not a crime. If an HIV+ person takes THE SAME action – engaging in unprotected sex without disclosing his/her HIV status – it IS a crime. So what makes this a crime? It can’t be

2 out of every 3 people in the world have herpes type 1. we used to think that only herpes type 2 caused genital herpes, but know now both type 1 and 2 can be found either in the mouth or genitals. my point? herpes is way more common than you think and MOST people have it.

I’m guessing some people are and some people are not. Personally, I’m HIV-, on PREP and use condoms because I don’t expect HIV+ people to save me from stupid, irresponsible and reckless decisions. And I think it’s gross how many assholes on here think that it should be HIV+ people’s job to save HIV- people from

Good to see you have the courage of your convictions! Also, I’m more of a top.

No, you do NOT have a right to know someone else’s medical history. That kind of invasion of privacy being a “right” is too fucked up to even take seriously.

The criminilization of HIV enables its spread.

These men were adults who knew the risks and how to protect themselves. To say that it was up to someone else to protect them from the risk inherent in trolling for bareback sex with complete strangers off the Internet is complete and utter bullshit. Especially when the punishment for not protecting them from their

It is every person’s responsibility to protect themselves, and not rely on the word of others (who may or may not even be aware of their HIV status, as well as other STDs). Use a condom! Go on prep! Take responsibility for your own health! The answer is NOT putting HIV positive people in prison, that is cruel and

Only one person in this scenario knew that HIV was part of that sexual encounter.