
I think they use them to see who gets intimidated, vs. who gets “their panties in a bunch”, vs. who “is a cool girl”. I didn’t say anything- I just hung up a picture of a penis. A HUGE penis. I think I made my point.

Oh, absolutely, it’s so much worse! And not just because it’s manipulation, but because it completely undermines what feminism and a feminist is. It’s a huge reason why there’s so much skepticism about male feminists. It’s just another wedge driving us all apart and the fact that it’s happening in an attempt to get a

Yes, trolling every comment thread on this article sure does leave one with the impression that you don’t care. Nicely illustrated.

I don’t know - I suppose I just think that in my committed relationships, there were times when both of us might have sex despite not really feeling up for it. I didn’t or don’t feel violated in these instances, but it’s certainly possible we’re talking about similar, but not identical scenarios.

It’s naive not to understand that ANY man could be. Not every man. Any man.

There’s no good time to leave, so, like, whatevs! Be vulnerable on your own time, I got chicks to fuck because that’s my immature and nebulous definition of “happy.” I’ll be by to play with the baby and do all the fun stuff while you struggle to even do the basic stuff alone. Peace out, sucka!

“What the hell is wrong with you?
Why are you personalizing any of this?
Do you have a problem? If so, deal with it away from me. My comments shouldn’t be making you so angry and weird.”
I’m not angry at all. Just commenting honestly. Your comments were quite harsh and my reactions to them quite measured, I think.

Speaking as a person who has often not wanted to be someplace, whether it be in the bathroom when someone is heaving up after chemo, or helping a not very good at house-keeping friend move, or hugging someone who is crying all over my hair, clothes, and bare skin, I find it has always been difficult, but better, to

““Temptation” is just seeing what you want to see at the exact time you want to see it. Nothing else. You can’t be “tempted” unless you were already open to the idea.
Cheating is just the physical manifestation of the problems that exist in the relationship that neither party is dealing with either separately or

You’re the one who took it up all the notches.

OK, I don’t know why your POV is so precious and pristine that it cannot be disputed while the rest of us can, so I’ll just leave it that you’re focusing on entirely the wrong person and be done.

You really have a bizarre, twisted take on this. I’ve seen you make the same comments on other cheating stories. You are seriously fucked up.

Rutherford’s attorney “says the New York judge was ‘perplexed’ that California forfeited jurisdiction over the case and that the legal system has ‘caused profound and irreparable harm to Kelly’s children.’”

i have an irrational hatred for both of these people.

Dude you don’t even read what you write before you hit publish do you? You should probably think about rereading and editing. You very clearly said that. I’m not arguing with you any further. I’ve said my peice. I think you’re an ass. The end.

You are quite clearly and quite vehemently arguing that women who do not shave are unattractive. many women do not shave for queer reasons. The option to shave or not is a cishet option. Trans people do not have the same option in the same way. That’s how. And you’re very dense to have to ask.

Huff a dong, dude.

it’s hard to discern what you’re trying to say with such a poor grasp of english. work on that and maybe fewer people will misunderstand you. until then, we are doing our best to parse your ignorance as it is presented.

if you have a problem with “you feminist” then why are you here? feel free to piss off and stop posting here if “you feminist” bother you so much. otherwise, expect to get taken to school for ignorant/hateful comments. (yeah, it is ignorant and hateful to say that something that almost every women possesses naturally,

Well my pubes and armpit hair (and leg and arm hair) have completely survived.