
Serena Williams is my all time favorite tennis player. Completely unapologetic and knows she's better than everyone.

My best friend had stage three lymphoma and had to do chemo. One of his idiot friends tried to tell him to quit chemo and drink apple cider vinegar all day instead. I wanted to kill that fucking moron just for being so stupid. BTW the chemo worked and he’s been cancer-free for five years now.


It’s difficult to understand how seemingly intelligent people are ignorant of both nuance and the limits of anecdotal information versus science. Yes, there are potential side effects to vaccines, yes they can be severe in rare cases, and NO, that does not mean that avoiding vaccination is a smart alternative. This is

Antivaxxers are more worried about their special snowflake children *maybe* getting autism/mercury poisoning from vaccines (concerns that have been highly disproved over and over again) than the people who are put at risk of getting horrendous and preventable diseases that either can’t afford immunizations or can’t

You know, I think some grad student in psychology could do a study on this. The takeaway that some commenters got (and NO, I’m not including the trolls) is spanning the spectrum from total empathy to ‘she’s a coldhearted bitch’. They could correlate that to myriad different things - education, jobs, political

You are right. “Lead a lawful life” is hyperbolic advice to give to someone facing jail time for a serious crime. Should have just stuck with “Long time no see. Orange suits you!”

I keep giving people stars but they don’t stick. It’s only on vaccination posts.

I still get into a white hot rage whenever I think about the one anti-vaxx champion who flat out said “I don’t care about other people.” when asked about the fact that his stance was endangering others.

*golf clap*

What is this question even?

Sex might be the only thing he does anymore that’s below par.

Medical science gives no shits about women’s sexual lives. As long as we still let men shove it in and birth their babies there’s obviously no problem.

look at you taking an opportunity to tell people online how big your penis is! Adorable!

They’re really bad. I’ve spoken to border guards and I said, “How bad is it?” and they’ve said, “Mr. Trump, you have no idea how bad.”

theoretically, how much money would i have to donate to donald trump’s campaign to ensure that he’s the republican candidate for president?

So, he likes clean air, but doesn’t want to do anything about it. Loves Mexicans, but wishes they’d go away and is confused about what each side is called on the abortion debate. Super clear platform, sir! Best of luck!

My favourite is ‘Short men don’t have heels; ugly men don’t have make up; stupid men can’t be blonde’. You can. Really. Nothing is stopping you apart from your own rigid, bullshit, binary conceptions of gender. Even so, fuck you.

I know a sociopath who did something like this. The lies were incredibly believable. Non sociopaths can't be blamed for being incredulous that someone could lie that way.

The clash between inner and outer reality is the hardest thing ever to grasp. For instance, picture somebody in your life that you know very well. Known this person for a long time; they’ve been to your house, babysat your kids/pets, you have a history, you know their family.