
Um, getting a passport just means you might be able to travel to another country. Many places still require a visa just to visit. And you can’t just stay somewhere indefinitely or get a job.

I don’t think it’s about simple self loathing so much in this case as being power mad and capable of impressive mental gymnastics.

Corporations are legal persons. Whether it’s rational or not, it’s the law and has been for a long time. This isn’t disputed by progressives.

Well then that’s good. I don’t know anything about him. I was just saying that I wouldn’t assume anything based on the degrees alone. I met some of the dumbest people ever at those esteemed institutions.

It would be a weird way to look at him even if he’d just landed on the moon.

That doesn’t mean he’s not an idiot.

Yeah I’m just a troll who’s been here for seven years. There was a time when this forum wasn’t overrun with idiots.

Neither are you. You’re acting like this is an exciting reality tv show, and it’s naive, childish and deeply offensive to people whose lives are actually on the line.

I’ve been reading all day, which is precisely the point.

With all due respect, that’s the most childish and asinine thing I’ve read all day.

And I’ll bet you can’t wait to tweet about it.

You’re incredibly naive.

Canada is a massive country and most of it isn’t that cold. Clearly you’re not that desperate.

And demanding perfection over progress is precisely what you’re doing right here. Trump is tearing the country apart and you’re hanging out on a forum which backed Clinton and is frequented by mostly Clinton supporters so you can lecture people who aren’t here and smugly talk about your political sacrifice.

Who are you calling “you”, you fucking psycho? I’m a queer, female visible minority myself who supported Clinton.

What’s done is done. Stop bitching and do something.

Ivanka is just as foul a person as her father. And far more dangerous because people can’t see it.

I can only speak for a couple hundred Canadians but none of us will set foot in the US until sanity returns.


Fuck off.