
This is kind of pathetic, really.

I mean, who doesn’t want to make The Boss proud?

Well who else is going to buy them?

I think we really need to work on the messages we send to childless women. Women look at me with pity, men act like I ought to be euthanized because what’s the point of a woman who isn’t young anymore but no one’s mother, and yet both are routinely shocked and appalled at the effort I’ve put into it. This needs to

I can assure you that I do not care if I experience pregnancy or not, nor do I care if my child is biologically mine or looks anything like me, or if I adopt an infant or an eight year old. I would gladly adopt any child, with some caveats.

Probably because they can’t conceive or recently lost their own.

I mean, women already do pretty crazy things to try to become mothers. I’ve given myself nearly a thousand needles and have spent more than my life savings.

I left a couple of weeks ago.

It’s nice that you feel that way but he doesn’t and he’s probably right.

But she’s pretttttty!!!!!

Shiny hair and a chic wardrobe. That’s all.

I’ve made this mistake. The only men I’ve dated who’ve cheated on me or treated me poorly were “less than” me in the ways society tends to keep score, i.e. less educated, not as conventionally attractive. I might have been attracted to them and found them smart or interesting, but they internalized all those messages

Except that it is.

He has absolutely nothing to do with why Clinton is not the president-elect.

Sounds a lot like life in America!

I fear almost nothing. Except Russians.

Jesus, give it a rest, EE Cummings.

You’ve even had sex with women? Gasp!

It’s kind of nice, actually. No one has forgotten my birthday in fifteen years. I get calls and emails from people I don’t hear from all year.

Yeah I don’t get it. I meet a guy I can tolerate for a few months every four or five years. I know a few people who seemlessly go from one relationship to another. They’re all boring and not that hot.