
Cheesus. That’s some bullshit.

Women can't eat meat? That's one I've never heard!

She really does!

I haven’t left my house since Monday and haven’t communicated with a single person since Sunday night apart from talking to my parents when they called two days ago.

I’ve only seen her in Winter’s Bone and The Burning Plain and she was great in both. I don't know her and have never seen or read her interviewed so all I can say about her as a person is that she's really pretty.

And plenty of WASPs will say you’re not.

Sorry, but you’d notice, even if you claimed you didn’t.

That’s not what happened at all.

My mother is/was loving and not abusive. We’re tight. But we’ll never be as close as I am with my Dad.

They have a father too.

Oh please. The United States is not the center of the universe, or even a particularly great place to grow up. They’re in Monaco, not Afghanistan. And she has all the money and freedom in the world to visit them there or even move there. Making an impassioned effort, fine. Lying, cheating and stealing? This ain’t “Not

Do you really want people to consider you white? It's the most uncool thing ever right now. I’m thrilled that I’m not considered white, even though it’s my skin colour.

I once asked a man if his daughter’s name was Kaylee or Kylie. He said: “I really don’t know. Ask her mother”.

I find that a lot of men say that they don’t care about women’s extensive grooming and insist that it’s only gay men and women who care, but also get very turned off when women don’t do it. I think one problem is that women have been doing these things for so long that they’ve become the default.

Sorry, but that sounds less appealing than living in a tiny shithole in New York.

You’re going to extremes. We’re not talking about wholly inappropriate dress and being unkempt. The fact is that a man can put on a relatively clean suit and give that speech, regardless of his bushy eyebrows and obvious nose hair. A woman giving the same speech will need makeup, a blowout or updo and a manicure at

Not everyone cares about Christmas.

Of course not.

I recently read a memoir by a man who left his extremely religious Jewish community. The night of his marriage he and his wife called the Rabbi to ask what they were supposed to do to consummate the marriage. When she got pregnant they didn’t know how the baby was supposed to get out. People like this actually exist.

I wonder if your brother would date a woman who dresses like that.