
And while men call women stupid, weak and gullible for buying into this shit, they also call them mannish, disgusting and undesirable if the don’t. I know men who won’t date a woman who doesn’t have her toenails painted 24/7. They also complain that women spend too much time and money on grooming.

I stopped dry cleaning a few years ago. I wash by hand.

Does a razor really need to be “pretty”?

OMG I know. I’m also trying (solo) and occasionally, against my better judgment, go onto “TTC” forums. The childishness and naivety is astounding. I don’t think most of these women ever even leave the house, they just sit around talking about baby dust and their hoo-has.

How do famous people get into relationships so quickly? I meet someone I can stand about once every five years.

Marriage benefits men and hurts women. That’s why women initiate divorces. Once they’ve had societal confirmation that they’re desirable and a father for their children, they want out. I don’t blame them one bit. The only reasons I’ve ever wanted to marry are precisely those: so everyone will get off my case and stop

I’d have to say well more than “some”. Perhaps even “most”.

Very few men see women as human beings in the way they see other men. Even if they'd never hurt a woman, they often see them as accessories. If you really listen to men talk about women, it's apparent.

I kind of agree.

The “fucked up circumstances” here are that the victim was a woman out in public and that the filth who did this to her believed that she deserved to be punished for it.

Actually, they’re ridiculous, but I guess it's off topic.

My picker is broken.


In the past when I made the mistake of dating newly divorced men, he was either desperate for sex or desperate for love. If it was the former, he’d be all over me, and probably everyone else, and barely even wanted to talk. If it was the latter, he wanted to jump straight into a relationship. But either way, after

Despite what MRAs and regular men claim, marriage benefits men, not women. All of the stats confirm this. Married men report greater levels of happiness than singles, and it’s the reverse for women. Married men live longer than unmarried men, the reverse for women. When a man and woman cohabitate, generally she takes

Serial monogamists can be even worse. I have a cousin whose pattern is: he meets a woman, invites her to move in with him (seriously he’s so fucking lazy I don’t think he even asks her out to drinks, just invites her to come over for drinks and then she stays for a few years), after around two to five years she gives

It seems as though men are more likely to remarry and do so much faster. I’ve seen statistics to this effect. Maybe it’s because of the “bitches be crazy” conditioning and they think they have nothing to do with the relationship failing? Or perhaps because men tend not to have friends/community ties the way women do

A man like this doesn’t want a partner, he wants a beautiful young woman to parade around with. When she can’t fulfill that role anymore, he leaves her and finds another, and keeps it up until he dies or no longer has the looks/money/fame/charm to find who he wants.

“The one who looks like a goldfish?” —Pennsatucky

He also likes to toss out stars and best wishes like a beauty pageant contestant blows kisses. To conclude each comment in which he’s an asshole.