yes - I remember that as well. It’s the same smell in the air after a lightning storm
yes - I remember that as well. It’s the same smell in the air after a lightning storm
Old TV’s used to have that smell, which I assume is what she is talking about? Fellow Olds will remember when you turned it on and got the “bwonnggg” sound and the static? It had sort of a metal smell.
They would if they could somehow tie it to Hillary.
My grandma successfully ignored her lung cancer and certainly didn’t die from it in 1988.
Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.
I saw a really great meme on Instagram but can’t find it now.
But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.
My holiday card this year says “Happy Holidays” in ten different languages and I’m giving them to all my miserable Republican neighbors along with $25 donated to “liberal” causes in their names.
I have to laugh that it’s always the left labeled special snowflakes when grown ass adult Trump supporters are fighting with Broadway, Starbucks and Kelloggs all at once. Boycott Froot Loops and Pop-Tarts!
Because she’s a mildly attractive white woman, duh!
Petraeus was sentenced to two years’ probation in April 2013 for passing classified information to Paula Broadwell, who was at the time writing his biography and with whom he was also having an affair.
Well if someone plays and dislikes Witcher 3 they probably weren’t worth knowing anyway right?
But the money YouTubers make is a cut from the money YouTube itself is making. So if they’re having 40% less revenue, so is YouTube.
In this metaphor, a camera and a greenscreen would be analogous to power tools. YouTube is more like a giant billboard operator that, for reasons of its own, has decided to give the architect free rent on dozens of its signs. The architect really shouldn’t freak out if one of the lightbulbs goes unchanged for a while.
Cute wedding hashtags: the latest in a long line of things I scorn for no reason.
“This is people’s careers,” JackSepticEye explained. “To completely switch how you do things and not tell anybody is a shitty thing to do.”
So basically you are just here to bitch and add no reasonable discourse to the table. Good to know, now kindly don’t bother to show up in future posts about the games of the month on Plus.
This is literally the least important thing governments need to get involved with.
Using illegal cheats in competitive online games is in no way similar to speed running.